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"Y/n, this is the second day in a row that you've just blasted music and screamed your lungs out"

"Why do you care if my lungs die?" I sassed, rolling my eyes

"Your lungs look nice. I'd like to have them one day."

I looked at the ghost, a look of terror on my face. "What the hell... Yesterday you said you wanted my liver. What's next, my intestines?"


Rolling my eyes, I turned my music up louder.



Y/n continued to fumble the lyrics, bobbing her head while cleaning her favourite blade.

"Dude... I think this blade is the best one I've made so far..."

She took the dagger, and in one swift motion, cut off her hand.
Naruto fainted, and Madara raised his eyebrows in amusement.

Still humming, she stuck her hand back on like it never fell off.

"What a strange woman you are. Quite unconventionally atractive."

"Stop being weird.... I'll throw an egg at you."

He just hummed in acknowledgement, watching the girl work her fingers through half-lidded eyes.

Just as she warned, an egg hit him square between the eyes, the yolk sliding down his nose.

"What the hell?"

"Ghost egg." She said, wiggling her fingers.

"Now leave me alone, old man. Go talk to your brother or sum. Don't you got a boyfriend?"

"Hashirama isn't-!"

Y/n just shooed him away.

A few hours later, Jiriya walked back towards the clearing. His face was red, and he reeked of alcohol.

"Bleegh!" She wrinkled her nose, recoiling from the sweaty drunk man.

"Y/nn! You're so *hic* cuute! Givee me a biggg ol' hugg~" He slurred out, grinning like an idiot.

"Hell. No."

"Just one huugg?"


Tw: mentions of abuse and neglect

"Y/n! Your father is home.."

It was mother's secret warning for us.

Heavy shoes climbed the stairs, and he was the only one who wore shoes inside.

He opened the door, the odor made her wince. She came to hate that smell, because it stole her once gentle father from her and her mother.

"Give me a huggg."

Usually, she'd just hold her breath and do it, but she wouldn't tonight.


"Eh? No, you say?"

His grin morphed into a face of rage. Rearing his hand back, he slapped her across the face.

She scampered away from him, huddling in the dark corner.

He found her anyway.

"You never listen to me, brat! I'm your father!"

"You've done nothing for our family! You bastard! I hate you!"

Y/n was sobbing now, hot tears landed on the floor.

"Shut up and stop your annoying noises!"

He punched her this time, and she landed harshly on the tile floor.

As soon as she was down, he kicked her. Over and over again.

This happened for weeks, and she stopped coming to school. Everyone was worried, and they even offered to help, but her mom had a plan.

The day was June 10th, 20xx, and Y/n's father came home especially late.

Y/n's mother was ready, though.

He stomped up the stairs, nearly ripping the door off its hinges.

"You stupid girl!"

He tore the covers off of her, but it wasn't Y/n.

Her mother jumped out and stabbed him in the chest.

"You think I'd just let YOU run MY house? Beat MY daughter? You've done nothing for our family, so go to hell! Those drinks took away the man I love. You aren't the man I married 11 years ago."

His body slumped on the floor, and she sighed, shaking.

"Y/n, baby. You can come out now. It's done."

Silently, they grabbed their bags that have been packed and left that horrible nightmare.

They got on the bus and rode it way out, all the way to tomorrow.

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