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"My head hurtss!"

"Lay your head on my lap then"


Second Person POV

You looked up at Minato and he smiles.

You gently lay your head on his thigh and he runs his hands though you hair.

The door opened and your heard a thump.

Looking up, you see Kakashi on his knees, a tear threatening to spill.

"S-sensei..." He whispered softly, disbelief written all over his face.

"Kakashi.." Minato smiled.

He stood up, leaving me alone on the bed.

"But how?...When?..."

He was answered with a hug, one he's waited a long time for.

First Person POV

I watched them hug it out, and I wondered..

"How can he see you? Let alone touch you?" I tilted my head, puzzled.

"It's all thanks to you" Minato said.

"But.. you aren't... ALIVE are you?" I stood up on shaky legs and staggered over.

I grabbed his forearm and felt for a pulse.

"No pulse? I think I gave you a temporary physical form.."

"That doesn't explain how you saw me in the first place" He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh that? I'm a psychic!" I brush my hair aside and show 2 little clips in my hair.

My teacher paled.

"So you can-"

"Yup! I can hear your thoughts loud and clear!" I giggle.

"Hey! I've always wanted to try levitation!" I furrow my brows and start floating off the floor.

"Hah! I did it! Did ya see that sensei?" I look up beaming at him, excitement overflowing.

He looks at me and smiles, his eye closing in fondness.

"You really are something else"


"Minato-channn! Teach me the rasengan! Pleaseeee!?" I'm sitting outside, Minato square across from me.

I've been practicing and training day and night since I've been released from the hospital.

"OK, ok! Calm down!" He puts two hands up in defeat and holds out one hand.

"Hold your hand out like this. Now release a steady stream of chakra, and twist it into a sphere" I see his palm start to glow, and soon enough there was a rasengan in his hand.

I jump to my knees in excitement.

"I think I know how to do it know..." I held out both my hands, and a light gust of wind flew out of my palms.

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