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"How did you notice me?" He asked, his deep voice was uncharacteristically quiet.

"I literally have 6th sense..." Y/n bit her tongue, it wasn't the smartest idea to sass someone who could easily kill her on a whim.

He just stared at her back, an amused expression  on his face. "How peculiar."

She said nothing, just patting the space on the rail beside her.

He paused, wondering why he should listen to this girl.

"I'm not gonna sit here all day, ya know."

He made up his mind and leaned against the rail next to her.

"Now, answer my question. Why were you following me?" Y/n demanded, fully facing him now.

"Do I have to tell you? " He sneered, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Fine then, don't tell me...

Madara Uchiha."

His smirk was wiped off if his face in an instant.

"How do you know my name?"

"Do I hAvE tO tELL yOu?"


"Oh, yes! The three prohibitions..."

Naruto deadpanned, "Well? What are they?"

"Money, alcohol, and... pretty women!"

The first thing that came to mind for Naruto was the senior on his team.

He adored her. The way she believed in every member of their team, and she wasn't afraid to sacrifice for those she cares for. Y/n was also gorgeous, her eyes a glittering (e/c) and the way her hips swayed.

But he was not  gonna tell Jiriya that.

"I'm too young to drink ... pretty women... I'm only 12 anyway! And I've saved up that money, so I don't really wanna spend it." He explained, his grip on his wallet getting tighter.

"Just let me hold onto your wallet-"


At the sudden sound of her voice, he turned around slowly.

"Give Naruto his wallet back, you can use some of my money." She said, pulling out her wallet that looked like a tiger.

She took out a wad of cash and handed it to him.

Jiriya looked from the paper bills in his hand and back to her.

"Yeah, go ahead. I just don't want you using Naru's money."

She shrugged. Y/n was rich anyway so 500 ryo wasn't much.

"Come on, blondie. Let's go have fun." She said, looking at the boy fondly.

His heart almost flew out of his chest and right into her palm. He tentatively reached his hand out, and she gripped it, leading him through the crowded street.

Naruto looked up at Y/n, her back facing him. He felt that... somebody was truly there for him, and didn't take him for an idiot or a monster. That was when he stopped chasing Sakura.

Oh honey, walk through fire for you, just let me adore you like it's the only thing I'll ever do...

She stopped at a tayaki ice cream stand. He would have bumped into her back if they weren't holding hands.

"Ah! How many?" The vendor asked, looking at the two.

"Naruto, do you want any?" Y/n asked, gesturing towards the stand.

He shook his head, "No thanks.."


"Well I'll take 10 please!" I slapped the cash down, grinning widely.

The vendor was a little bit shocked, but he turned around and reached into the cooler, pulling out the packages and putting them in a cooler bag.

"Here's a free bag with your purchase!" He said, handing me the bag.

The bag had a cute smiley face with a thumbs up.


I took one out and unwrapped it, munching on it slowly.

"So where do you wanna go next?"

"Let's go there!" He exclaimed, pointing at a stand. Then, he looked back at me,"O-only if you want to, though.."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him forward.


Oh, he'd fallen hard. He had come to the realization that he just couldn't live without her. Any time he saw her smile, a love song would play somewhere in his mind. She was just amazing.

That Madara action frfr 😫👍

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