715 36 14

"Leave Sasuke to me!"

"Alright Gai, I trust you."

"I sure as hell don't."

First person PoV

I took the boy from his back, hooking my elbows under his knees.

"Treat him decent at least, he just got knocked the fuck out." I hissed.

"Wait here, I'll do it myself."

Flickering to the hospital, I stood in the lobby glaring at the receptionist.

She didn't look up from her computer.

"Hey, lady." I barked out, a deeper frown drawn on my face.

With a start, she jumped out of her chair.

"Ah! I'm sorry! We'll take him to be examined." She said meekly, ushering over a nurse.

They wheeled in a gurney and I set him down.

I watched as they took him away, only leaving when I heard the door shut.



"You're welcome." I said flatly.

He nodded, gave Naruto a thumbs up, then walked away.

"Wow, I haven't seen anyone get the jump on Gai-sensei before!" Naruto gushed, looking at me in awe.

"You've got skills, little lady. You look about 17, so Chunin?"

"I'm 14.", His jaw practically hit the floor, his eyes going wide,"And if I had to guess, I'd say Jonin... but who's keeping track?" I shrug, walking past him.


"Yeah, what about it-"


"Nope. 14."

"No way... but.. that figure! Such a developed body..."

"Don't be weird, bro..."


"We'll be training.... in this town!" Jiraya gestured towards the bustling place, the people scurrying across the streets looked like ants from the clifftop.

She gazed boredly past the town, the slight breeze lifted her hair.

Naruto looked at her, a small smile graced his lips.

"I'm gonna stay up here for a bit, I'll find you guys later." She said in a soft, aloof tone.

It took the old man aback, as he was so used to her threatening voice, or cursing at every other word.

"It'd be nice if you talked like that more." Jiraya teased.

"Pshh. Don't push your luck."

She swung her legs over the rail, waving off the other two.

"Go train, I'll be fine." She said, a little bit of the light coming back to her eyes.

Naruto blushed a little, she looked almost like she was really a kid.

Jiraya nodded and took him down the stairs.

Heaving a heavy sigh, she looked at the clouds.

"Why are you following me?"

Mwahaha cliffhanger~!

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