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a simple mistake can cause a huge damage

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a simple mistake can cause a huge damage

Y/n's Apartment | 10:16 p.m.

"I already said sorry" Y/n walk towards him with two cups of tea in her hand. Chanyeol straight away stood up and try to help her, knowing that she can be too clumsy sometimes.

She sat down on the couch and sip her tea as Chanyeol watch her unhesitatingly showing her comfortable side. "So what brings you here?" Y/n finally breaks the silence.

"Updates, you didn't send some so I have to check if you're still alive." He gave her a serious look but Y/n just laughed at him. "Tell Kang, I'll send them later and don't worry. I can't die..."

Y/n emphasize her last phrase with a cold look before immediately changing back to her calm face. Chanyeol was completely confused by her actions, he still can't decipher what she's hiding even after years of knowing her.

"What are you planning Kim?" He couldn't control himself anymore and he was also sure that she'll never give him the answer that he's looking for. "Just focus on your job and I'll focus on mine..."

Chanyeol stared at her for a minute and each second Y/n felt uncomfortable that someone is watching her. "It's getting late, go home..." She got up and walk towards the door to open it.

He couldn't protest anymore and just admitted that he was again defeated and didn't get answers to his questions. Chanyeol walk out of the door and before Y/n closes it, he stared in her eyes again.

"Mind your business Park..."


Days have passed, Y/n kept herself in the dark. Like how she promised to S.coups, she can't show herself to the members, especially Jeonghan cause he'll for sure bring her back inside the mansion.

She carefully watch them from a far in secret and for long she's been doing this tactic, it still shocks her of how she's holding on and still not being caught by anyone.

It was late again and she secretly watches their hidden transactions with small gangs. Y/n knew that this was only for show and they have another intention to them, yet they have to keep the character they've made.

As she was so focused on whats happening infront of her, she didn't sense the the presence of another person approaching her from behind. Immediately when Y/n felt someone breathing just behind her, she quickly respond.

She grabbed his hand and twist is his back making him groan to pain, Y/n covered his mouth to muffle the further noises he might make. The guy tries to let go himself from her grip but she had more control.

He suddenly bit her finger and instantly screamed for help as soon as she loosen her hand. "Help!" Before he could even run away, Y/n kicked him from behind making him fall on his face.

POISONOUS LOVE || Y. JEONGHANWhere stories live. Discover now