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a sacrifice she ready to give to everyone

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a sacrifice she ready to give to everyone

Kim's Residence | 12:27 a.m.

"What?!" She removes her glasses and banged her hands on the table as she stood up, demanding the person in front of her to repeat his words yet he just continues talking. "Kang Joohyuk did a background check on Y/n, He already knows that she's 'his daughter'. And he's now already after Woozi..."

He nods as confirmation to the new information he gathered from someone. Judging by how Joohyuk is in the past years he's always wants things his way, whether in force or not, he must have it. "For now, hide much as possible of every Woozi's whereabouts. If he finds him it will be harder for both of them, now that Y/n is really after him."

Taeyeon could only give this help to her daughter, she promised her to not interfere with her plans and the things she'll about to do, no matter how messy or bloody it might go, she can't say anything about it unless she directly asks for her help.

Minghao was about to bid his goodbye when Taeyeon added something more to the table. "And always stay beside her, for sure Jun will be the one who'll attend meetings and kinds of stuff for her. So no one will be there for her..."

"Yes, Miss..."

SVT's Mansion | 11:04 p.m

"Why did asked for an emergency meeting? You never ask for one, this is the first time..." Jeonghan asks Joshua as he fixes himself on his chair and while the others go to their appropriate seats. "Now that we have an alliance with the Fallin' Flowers, we need to have each other's back..."

"What are you trying to say?" Woozi might sometimes speak like riddles however he didn't like the suspense that his older member is setting and asked to just be direct on what he intended. "Y/n got fired and is now on the wanted list..."
"How?" The only question that runs through almost everyone's head, is where did it all go wrong and when? Her plans that seemed all perfect in their eyes just crashed in a blink.

"Is it because she failed her mission?" Hoshi innocently questions, trying to understand what just happened. "After 2 weeks of her not sending updates  Kang got suspicious about her, so he did a background check on her..." "And?" Jeonghan demandingly asks Dino to proceed and continue with his sentence.

The suspense of the pause was killing all the members and no one has been liking it even a bit, it was like suffocating them. "I think Joohyuk knows who really is noona..." He paused once again, this time annoying Seungkwan with it. "What do you mean?-" "He knows about Noona having a younger brother..."

Everyone is now confused by what's happening and what pieces of information coming out of each member's mouth. "But you told me that, that's not in her background, right?" Wonwoo looked at Woozi for confirmation and slowly nods, agreeing to what he said. "I was not on her background, only our 'parents'..." He replies but almost whispers the last part.

Suddenly S.Coups burst into the door looking not really in the best mood, his expression is darker than usual unless he's up to doing his 'stuff'. "Why are you late?" Jeonghan typically asked him as he also approaches him slowly, with a smile as he tries to lift the mood a bit. "Do y'all wanna know what I just heard on my way here?" He asks, ignoring his friend in front of him.

"Ms. Kim Y/n, the one our Yoon Jeonghan loves the most is fooling us again." The smile that Jeonghan had for Seungcheol quickly faded away as he proceeded on asking him. "What do you mean?" His tone immediately changed after the atmosphere in the room once again changed by a show-stopping topic.

"I just don't understand why would a powerful mafia will protect her from her father?" Seungcheol watches everyone's expressions change into confusion and does not forget to look at his best friend. "Stop beating around the bush! Just tell us what are you trying to say!"

Jeonghan's voice echoes inside the room for seconds before he responded to him. "Kim Y/n is Kang Joohyuk's daughter, which that leads us to the next problem, Him..." He points at the younger member, seating in the middle of the room surrounded by his members "Woozi is Y/n's little brother, which that means he's Kang's son..."

"A relationship with the enemy is unacceptable!" Someone shouts but that was just the beginning of the chaos that will ensure. Mingyu words have started a big debate about whether should they remove Woozi or what, but it was too difficult for them to understand now after just finding it out.

Each person reacts differently and has something different to say at the table, yet still not knowing the whole truth and how is the siblings' relationship with their so-called father is actually like throughout these years. A secret they buried in the back of their brains as they both badly want to forget and escape the past no one would desire to have.

"Woozi hyung! What? What can you say about this?" The younger calls him out and asks but Woozi just sits there in the middle of the chaos, unbothered by the shouts around him, he was completely lost in his thoughts. He felt disgusted by the fact no matter what how it was like to be his son, he'll be always called out for his father's mistakes and sins.

Even if he did run away from his father's lair, his blood still connects him to him and will always pull him in whether he likes it or not, cause he's his son and he can't do anything about it. Woozi never wished and would never be wished to be his son even in the next life or past.

"You too Jeonghan hyung! Say something!" Dino tries to wake him up but the same goes for Jeonghan, he lifelessly stands on the side as he watches the scene in front of him. Was he again fooled just like that? He should be angry about it but no matter how hard he tries it was no use, why does he doesn't feel bothered by it? Was there something else missing? Cause he feels that there is.

While they were busy debating, Jun was secretly trying to contact Y/n even after successfully getting in contact with one of the girls she was currently with. He told her about the chaos that's been going on yet she just kept leaving the messages on read, making Jun worry about her since he haven't seen her since last night and till now there's barely any news from her.

Y/n unexpectedly burst out of the door making everyone stop talking and look at her, yet their expression soonly again changed and their attention is now diverted to her and her sudden appearance.
"Noona-" "Don't k-kick him..." Her shaky voice concerns the members more and so as her unstable posture.

"Y/'re b-bleeding..."


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