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i'm ready to love you for who you are not for who you were

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i'm ready to love you for who you are not for who you were

Kim's Residence | 10:12 p.m

"Care to explain what you just did?" She glared at Minghao but he just avoided them, she know how she carefully instructed not to do anything and she'll figure out how peacefully leave without causing any troubles to anyone. "I have no choice..."

Y/n was clearly not pleased by his heroic act that he thought will help her, yet this just made the situation worse. She promised that no will get involved anymore in the webs and their alliance will be forever hidden in the eye.

"Jeonghan might do something to Jihoon-" "You really think Jeonghan hyung can do something to Woozi hyung when he can't even let Chanyeol bleed to death..."
Even if she knows that he has a point she couldn't still help but to worry about her little brother.

She doesn't want him to get involved to anything with his so-called biological father, she doesn't want him to get hurt again. Y/n can't afford to see him hurt again because of him, she swore that everyone will pay if he even touch the end of his hair. She's now caple to do things that she couldn't before and that is to kill...

"And about Ms. Kim's sister..." Her attention was again shifted to him as he tries to break to her the news. "She's also planning to get the money in the safe. You need to make a move, you have the all right to get the company and the mansion and so as those money.-" "I'm just adopted. I have no-"

"Ms. Kim gave you all those to you, for her you're not just a adopted, you're her daughter..."

"No more running away, tonight will be the last time..."

Jeonghan’s POV | 9:46 p.m

I was so confused when Minghao dragged Y/n out yet at the same time I was confuse why did I let them go. What are those two's relationship? What's his relationship with Kim Taeyeon? There's really more to her identity that we don't know but maybe someone does.

I looked at Woozi who finally calmed down, he looks more at ease but why? I've never seen him once fear something but it seems like behind the icy cold quiet guy hides a boy who went through something, something that left him traumatized. "Is there anything you have to say to me?"

"Aren't we gonna follow those two?" Following them won't take me to anything and will just leave me a guilt in my heart, I wanna know what will Woozi tell me. He always has a lot to say behind his pretentious sarcastic words but he's just too timid. "We're not following them until Woozi speak, now tell me what are you hiding?"

There's no way he'll speak, he never once talk about his feelings in our years of friendship. Did we really know him? Are we really friends? Or he just works for us? "Why did you hide it?" I shook my head, stopping Joshua to continue any further. Forcing him to speak won't help, he'll just remain silent and probably even distant to us.

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