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a forgotten good old friend

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a forgotten good old friend

Y/n's POV | 6:15 a.m.

The ray of sunshine hit my face, causing me to wake up. Even though most of the room is dark, the thick curtains aren't enough to cover some areas, the bright morning sun that has just risen.

I look around the room and immediately recognize the very familiar room. My gaze shifts to the nightstand to be sure that I am in the right room that I think I'm in. On the nightstand, there's a photo book with "Our Dawn is Hotter Than Day" written above it, it's 'their' photo album, and I am right. I'm in Jeonghan's room...

I grabbed the photo album to take a little look into it, I was all into the pictures but not distracted enough to not know what was going on in my surroundings. I immediately notice a faint silhouette of a person in the dark corner of the room.

While I pretend to be clueless about the situation, I try to look for something to hold for defense. In the corner of my eyes, an object shines under the lights, and my hand reaches for a glass of water on the nightstand.

When he was about to approach me, I rapidly threw him the glass, I hit him pretty hard that the glass breaks into pieces and shattered all over the ground. I stood up and walked towards him, not caring if I stepped on the broken glass. I twisted his hand behind his back and pushed him onto the ground, but my attention quickly divert to the sound of the door opening.

End of Y/n's POV

The guys have just finished eating their first meal since yesterday and the oldest had to even force them to eat since no one has the appetite to eat at the moment, not when they're all in the middle of a crisis.

It was time for Joshua to check on Y/n, and he was already on his way to his brother's bedroom when he suddenly had a loud thud from upstairs. "Y/n..." Without hesitations, he ran up the stairs and checked what had just happened.

Joshua dashed to Jeonghan's room to check on Y/n and as soon as the door swung open, the scene of an unknown man laying on the floor while Y/n is twisting his arm welcomed him. "Y/n!"

Seeing Y/n's eyes burning and the man under her all helpless was a completely new thing in Joshua's eyes, and he barely recognized her. This was the woman who was careless enough to go after their enemy with only 4 members.

He then noticed that she was holding some in her hand, an earpiece making Joshua more confounded. Without any question, he helped her out and pulled her away while he tightly held the man.

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