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our paths will always cross

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our paths will always cross

“What the hell am I doing with life?” Y/n mumbles under her breathe, asking herself as she looks for a much better hidding spot from Jeonghan who has been following her with a his annoying sly smirk across his face.

But her knowing less about the blueprints of the huge mansion, she knows she needed a much better spot than standing in the hall and hope he doesn't passes there. When she was just about to walk away, she then hit someone who she beggingly wishes not to be Jeonghan.

"Why are you looking down there? My face is up here." His voice gave her shivers down her spine, she slowly looks up to him. "What do you want?" Y/n asks with a poker face but immediately failed when he suddenly pulled her waist, removing the space between them.

"You..." Her breathe hitched by what he said but before she can process stuffs, Jeonghan grabbed her wrist and pulled her somewhere. "I'm gonna show you somethin'"

"Close your eyes." Without any questions and hesitations she did what was told, Y/n was starting to fully get Jeonghan's trust and slowly giving hers. "Now open them " As soon sh open her eyes something sparkly caught her sight.

It's shine and colors were mesmarising for her, It's a pink diamonds shaped as a flower charm to a necklace. Y/n was too focused to it that she didn't notice that Jeonghan has approached her again.

"Starting today I give you all my trust,  you're not just simply part of this household, I want to give you power. A power that you deserve." He then paused for a moment to remove the necklace to it's box and wrapped it around her neck.

"You've already went through a lot... that's why I promise to protect you. Protect you from this cruel world. Do you understand?" Jeonghan looked into her eyes but she looked away as she didn't understand what was all these for? Is this an act? Is she supposed to believe all of these? Or does he reallly fell for her like she did to him?

Was she ready to accept a new person to her life? Will he accept her after knowing who she truely is? Multiple questions come up to her mind but the only thing she could ask and utter was. "Why me?" "Why not?"

Jeonghan responded sarcastically but after seeing her reaction he knew this answer didn't satisfy her. "I mean there's a lot of beautiful rich girls who's dying to be with you but why me? A person who you barely know..."

"From the first time I laid my eyes on you, I already knew you're the perfect one in the position of being my woman. I knew you were different from others and I don't see as your past self, I see you as who you are today. And if you're hiding something I would've probably know it now already..."

POISONOUS LOVE || Y. JEONGHANWhere stories live. Discover now