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everyone is now all in and you better be ready for it

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everyone is now all in and you better be ready for it

"Then who's the underboss?" Hoshi confusedly asked everyone, Mel then stood up and pointed at the blonde long-haired man sitting beside him.

"Him..." His eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he looked at the finger pointing at him, Y/n nor Taeyeon mentioned anything about putting him in such a position without consulting him about it.

"Ever since Ms. Kim gave her position to Y/n. She still hasn't picked her underboss..." Jun tries to explain, but as usual, Seungcheol queries something. "Why didn't she choose any of you?"

Yet Minghao just calmly responded to his questions. "Cause she thought it would be unfair, she gave the other one an enormous position, and the other one didn't, so she chose not to give to none of us."

"Wh-hen did she give me this position?" Ignoring the current discussion, Jeonghan asked the first thing he could utter after this big revelation for him. "Recently.. She asked me not to put you officially in the underworld records for now until you're completely aware of the situation..."

Cutting off the tense air, a phone started ringing and echoing all across the room, Jeonghan quickly peaked at the caller id, and without hesitation, he pulled the phone out and answered the call.

[On The Call]

"Joshua? What's wrong? Is Y/n ok?-" Without letting him finish his question, Joshua quickly cut to the chase and directly tell him what happened.

"She left..."

"What do you mean she left?" As soon as the surrounding people heard the phrase "she left", all attention was on Jeonghan.

"Who left?" Jun confoundedly asked.
"Is everything okay?" "Is noona okay?" A question comes after one, but he didn't give them any response until he finishes hearing all the details and everything he needs to hear before hanging up.

"Y/n was attacked..." He devastatingly and angrily informs them. "What?!" Almost everyone shrieked in shock and concern, but Jeonghan just continued speaking. "She also killed someone and left with the body..."

The last details came unexpectedly for the SVT members since they still haven't seen her work or hurt anyone for the past 2 years of living in the same roof as her. "Do you guys have any ideas where she could have been gone?" For the first time, Seungcheol didn't hesitate to show his concern towards her and ask the members.

"Don't worry about her, she's Kim Y/n. There are still things that she can do that are beyond your expectations..." Jen reveals as she traces the brim of her glass while smirking as she imagines what her friend currently is doing to the body at the moment. "She probably went to throw the dead body..." Yanan suggests.

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