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meeting lost and unknown blood

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meeting lost and unknown blood

Two days and one night of vacation quickly escalated to one month without them realizing it. Their days were filled with pure happiness after a long while, it was a really nice break for them after the whole thing. However, it's time to go back home, return back to their proper work and also prepare for the upcoming wedding.

They've already started doing the basics during their time at the resort like reception, flowers, and guests; but there are still tons that they need to handle and fix. After the long disruption because of Joohyuk, they finally start what they actually plan to finish from the beginning.

"Are we complete now?" Seungcheol asks as he mentally also counts the people around him doing their own business. Some loaded the bus with luggage, some were on work calls, and of course, there was Jeonghan just watching everyone contributing while he just laze in the side as usual.

Soon Jeonghan also soon starts counting the members and look around if there was anyone missing. "Yes, we're complete..." But a typical mannerism of the members, having trust issues to him. Seungcheol asked again for conformity before they actually accidentally leave someone again like what happened once. "We didn't leave anything, right? Or anyone?"

"I see everyone here so I don't think so..." Y/n then verified that what Jeonghan said was true and there is nothing to worry about. Just after getting validation from someone, Seungcheol accepts the affirmation and got on the bus without worrying about forgetting about someone by accident.

"Okay, everyone hop on the bus..."

Kim's Residence | 11:04 a.m

As expected by everyone, Y/n's plan of waiting for her mother to first approach her won't work cause she also thinks the same as her and they're just waiting for each other's presence at this point and someone needs to break the ice first before it thickens even more.

Jeonghan talked to Y/n and told her how her plans are not working and that she should just be the first one to make a move. She then took that advice and immediately after they return back to the city, she paid her dear mother a little visit for a talk that will melt down all the ice that distance them for a time.

"I was waiting for you to approach me first, but I figured that you also want the same and It'll be the smartest if I should be the one who does something..." She explains. The first move that she wasn't in favor of at first quickly turned into the best thing she did.

It became a pushing point for her mother to speak and explain what actually happened in the past, how are they separated, and how they now ended up in this situation. It was a very hard and painful topic for both of them, bringing up the past if never their forte however, it needs to be revealed.

The simple agreement for protection that soon escalated to almost killing her daughter was something Taeyeon never expected to happen. She trusted the couple, and that's why she authorize them to be her legal guardian so she can remain anonymous from her enemies.

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