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the truth about her identity and her past that they hid

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the truth about her identity and her past that they hid

The gunshot heard all across the house, there was a silence for a whole minute, fear was in the air and no one could inhale a bit of it. He watched his own child being traumatized after seeing his own mother getting killed infront of him.

She can't live there anymore and she can't leave him behind, he might become like him or worst get murdered by the same person who took his mother and his unborn sibling's life. Y/n grabbed his younger brother's hand and without hesitations run.

The girl and the little boy run away that same night, away from that place and away from that monster. Yet she came in to conclusions that she has to leave him somewhere else, somewhere she knows that people can protect him and raise him properly.

As a child, she knows that she can't provide these things and she has to make a very tough decision, there are some possibilities that things might go south but there are also possibilities that everything will go as she planned.

With only her positivity and best wishes, she drop the little boy in the orphanage and immediately run away, not sparing another glace at the poor crying child and just left.

It might seen to be a selfish act but she couldn't do anything else, taking him with her the increase the chances of getting killed and so as them sticking together. In any choices she still has to leave Jihoon or it would cost them another life or two.

Soonly it began to rain, she started running again and looking for shelter but when she saw one, her fear came back to haunt her again. A car suddenly appeared infront of her, she was too in shock to move her body but before it could even nearly hit her, it immediately stopped. The bright headlights are blinding her, not helping her to think straight anymore.

A figure all dressed up in black exited the car and quickly run to her. "Are you okay?" Her soft mellow soft comforted her, she made her safe and at home. Before Y/n looses consciousness, the woman hugged her small body and carry her to the car.

"You're home don't worry..."


"Stand up straight, chin up. You're not going anywhere until you perfect you're walk" Y/n shakily walks down the big hall as tries to balance 5 books above her head. She knows that the more she fails doing it the more books will be added.

Her foster Mom is kind and never mistreated her but she made rules for her to follow and an image she needs to perfect. Taeyeon wants to raise Y/n as a divine and flawless woman, since the day she let her in her home, she started training her.

As a young lady who was just adopted by a pristine and well-respected woman, this is the only way she can pay her back. Everyday Y/n tries to reach her expectations, she follows every rule she sets, tries to be always top of the class but it's still not enough for her.

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