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a past that i'm running away from

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a past that i'm running away from

Y/n's POV | 8:27 a.m.

I woke up by the sunlight hitting my face. Slowly opening my eyes adjusting to the light and strech my body, I reach beside me immediately noticing the empty space beside me.

'Was it also just a dream?'

Is the first thought that came up to me but swiftly changed when I felt pain and numbness. It's highly impossible for it to be a dream. I then try to remember what happened last night, it immediately  made me blush when I remembered that Jeonghan was the one initiated it all.

'Did he dress me?-'

My thoughts were then cut off short when someone suddenly knocked on the door, my head quickly turned towards the noise before finally asking who's behind it.

"Who is it?" I asked. "Noona it’s me, Dino." When I heard his name it immediately confused me, he never visits me this early in the morning. It's usually Joshua or Seungkwan comes to my room this early to tell me go eat.

Dino's room is in west wing of the mansion while mine is in the east, the size of this house makes it sometimes meet eachother often except for during breakfast or lunch and dinner.

Maybe he wants to talk about last night again. "Come in." But his response caught me off guard, it's not the one that I'm expecting. "Oh no, I'm in a rush, I'm late. I just wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready, let’s go eat."

"I’ll come in a minute." "Okay" He said and immediately ran off. Last night he talk to me on how sometimes he feels pressured by his brothers, pressure to give them useful information to use.

Dino might be always confident with job and missions but he can be sometimes get tired and pressured by everything he's doing and I know how it feels.

The pressure of trying to prove something you can do to a person or people even if they don't judge you about it but you always have that burden to prove yourself that you're better than they think you are.


"Stand up straight, chin up. You're not going anywhere until you perfect you're walk" Y/n shakily walks down the big hall as tries to balance 5 books above her head. She knows that the more she fails doing it the more books will be added.

Her foster Mom is kind and never mistreated her but she made rules for her to follow and an image she needs to perfect. Taeyeon wants to raise Y/n as a divine and flawless woman, since the day she let her in her home, she started training her.

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