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same intentions different background

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same intentions different background

One of the busiest buildings in Korea began to panic when they heard him started shouthing again, they didn't knew how to act infront of him when he's in this mood. They're like walking on eggshells when he's around, one wrong move they might get fired by him.

"A SIMPLE TASK AND NO ONE CAN DO IT?!" He screamed at the employees infront of him, only the voice of the man on his late 50s can be heard in the whole building floor.

No one dared to make any noises but him, Park Chanyeol. He didn't care even a bit, he didn't show any hint of fear when their eyes meet. Chanyeol can't be bothered by anyone, not even Kang Joohyuk himself.

"Mr. Park Chanyeol I thought you're the best agent here? But how can you fail a fucking simple task?!" He shouted at his face and suddenly his face changed, he was as if begging for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry Mr. Kang, we were short in men so we lost him again.." Chanyeol apologetically told him. Employees around him know he's acting like everytime and nothing new, they even gave him the nickname of 'suck up'

Joohyuk just let out a long sigh after hearing the same excuse he's been hearing for over the years of trying to catch 'him', he sat down and try to relax when suddenly knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

"Umm.. Good morning sir, I'm Kim Y/n and I'm the girl who just got transferred from the Incheon District." She introducedherself with timid yet also with a confidence behind it, as soon as Chanyeol layed his eyes on her, he couldn't help but to let out secretly a breathy chuckle.

"Ah! Right, Ms. Kim, have a seat and all of you get out. Now!" he sternly told them and everyone immediately run outside of his office, running for freedom and away from the monstrous boss.

Y/n attentively sat down on the chair infront of him with her eyes never leaving him, he can't distinguish on what kind of look she's giving him, whether it's fear, amaze or anger.

For the second time Joohyuk couldn't read someone's eyes, he couldn't guess what's in her mind unlike his employees. He knew from that moment that she wasn't like any other typical agents out there.

"Welcome to the Gangnam District, It's a pleasure to have you in our family..." He brightly greet her but she just remain with a poker face and an unreadable look in her eyes when all of a sudden her lips cracked a sweet smile.

Joohyuk was a bit creeped out by her behavior but try just to brush it off and understand her since he as far as he heard from his colleagues, she's an outstanding agent in the Incheon District. "By the way, I guess you probably know the reason why you're transfered here?" He tries to open a conversation but she was clearly uninterested by it.

POISONOUS LOVE || Y. JEONGHANWhere stories live. Discover now