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the game has just started but everyone are betting all in

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the game has just started but everyone are betting all in

What do you mean she's all locked up? We need her soon..." The girl shrieked and threw a pen at him. "Can you calm down? We're gonna find away to get her out..." He tries to assure her but it was still noy enough.

Something big is coming, a chance to exact and Y/n needs that to claim everything again but how can she do that when she's now all locked up. "Make sure to get her out as soon as possible, I can't bare hearing that she's currently in the same situation as the past..."

"We'll get her out, okay?"

SVT's Mansion | 2:37 a.m

A bucket of water splashed to Y/n's face, waking her up from her nightmare, a memory from the past. She woke up all tied up on a chair, clearly not like how she remembered before she fell to her hell slumber.

She lifts her head and see nothing but red and a hint of light from above, then she realized that she was blindfolded. "You're finally awake little agent." That voice, she definitely can't forget the owner of it.

"Seungcheol what do you want?..." She feel his presence nearer than before as he moved closer to her. Y/n immediately flinched when he laughed and his breathe was blowing to her ear. "Let's play a game Kim"

At first Y/n felt hesitant but what worst could happen to her? "Let's play" She said nonchalantly like how Seungcheol wants. No beating around bushes and just straight away shoot. "You're not even gonna ask what game?"

"I know how minds of people like you work after getting betrayed, ask the questions and put me types of lie detector yet still torture me in the end." Y/n explains. Seungcheol slightly take aback by how those words just calmly fell out of her lips. Maybe he really did underestimate the girl infront of him and he needs to know more about her, so as the others.

She was locked up all day since yesterday night and now all tied and ready to be tortured but she didn't seem to show a hint of fear reaction like the others. "Then let's start the questions, I won't use those fancy technology to check your heart beat if it's a lie or not, I'll just judge your answer and if you don't give me one... You probably know what happens..."

The blindfold on her was suddenly removed and the first thing the welcomed her was his eyes. "Why did Kang sent you here?" A great start, the question was easy but Y/n seem to contemplating on what's the answer. She remembers that Chanyeol once told her that Joohyuk and Jeonghan seems to have a beef but why? She don't know...

"All I know they wanted me to collect your plans so they can sabotage it and also use some information against you." Seungcheol knew that she was immediately shaken by the first question, she herself wasn't sure if it's the answer so he let it slide, for now. "Was it you who tried to sabotage the new subsidiary?" "No"

A hard slap immediately landed to her cheeks that also bruised the corner of her lips. "Lie..." He replied but Y/n looked up to him and smiled like a lunatic. "No, not lying. Just here to send informations but not to sabotage anything." Y/n tries to correct him, earning her another slap in the other side of her face.

POISONOUS LOVE || Y. JEONGHANWhere stories live. Discover now