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a bitter story she made everyone believe

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a bitter story she made everyone believe

Y/n’s POV | 10:15 p.m

"Did you have fun Agent Kim?" He repeated making once more took a step back away from Jeonghan. "Which is more fun? Pretending to be an innocent girl? Or playing with Jeonghan’s feelings?" He's taunting me, he's checking how will I react, how will Jeonghan react to his discovery.

"What are you talking about? Stop with this nonsense " Of course Jeonghan didn't believe him, soon enough his faith in me will be changed into deep rage. "Did that woman really made you fall on her trap?" Seungcheol continues pushing me in the edge and cornering me like a predator.

He then took out his phone and show Jeonghan a video of me talking to Chanyeol in the phone and a video of one of my colleagues spilling everything in the cup. It was the last straw before every snap and Jeonghan wakes up from the lies.

"Stop this nonsense Coups..." Jeonghan still refuse to believe the facts infront of him and stand by my side, breaking me more than ever. "I wish I am speaking some nonsense but little miss innocent Kim here played us all...."

Snapped, that was last thing he had to say before Jeonghan let go of my hand and acknowledge what Seungcheol is trying to show. Breaking his eye contact with his friend, he looked at me. His eyes were all red, they were burning, full with anger and I'm the reason why.

"Who are you?!- Actually no, I forgot you’re the infamous new agent. No wonder why we can never see you, you were just under our noses. Is it fun?" His palm quickly landed in my cheek and before I could even react, I was already on the ground. "Is it fun?!"

"You know what? Come here, I’ll show you something fun." His tight grip wraps around my wrist and pulled me in the basement's direction. Jihoon was about to approach me but a I look at him and shook my head. He dragged me down the basement and the others were following, Dino and Hoshi were trying to stop Jeonghan but it’s no use.

He won’t even budge, not even a little, he's angry and no one can control him now. I have the Fallen Angel that everyone feared infront of me and ready to take my life away from me anytime he wants. Jeonghan harshly pushed and locked me inside a dark room without even looking at me. "Jeonghan let me explain " I begged for his attention.

"Shut up! And all of you! Don’t you dare let this woman go nor give her food or drink-" "Jeonghan just let me exp-" I tried to cut him, not expecting it'll just make the situation much worse than expected. "I said shut the f*ck up! before I blow up that little head of yours..."

I immediately swallowed up all the words that wanna leave my mouth. Jeonghan then left with most of the members except from him, Jihoon stayed infront of the door. I may not see him but I know he's there, standing and contemplating whether he disobey his older.

POISONOUS LOVE || Y. JEONGHANWhere stories live. Discover now