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is this what you call happy ending of a story?

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is this what you call happy ending of a story?

"Dad will be surprised to see you..." Soonyoung skips in the hallway with his sister beside him, a scene he never once pictures himself but here they are walking side by side. His excitement was then calmed down a bit when they hear a familiar voice from the distance.

They quickly went poked their heads inside the room to peak if they were hearing things right. "Jeonghan?" His name fell from her lips a bit loudly, immediately gaining both of the people's attention. "Hannie what are you doing here?" She asks as both she and Soonyoung enters the living room.

Y/n was all confused and occupied by her fiance that she suddenly forgot about the reason was she there, completely ignoring the man who was beside them and admiring her like a precious diamond in his eyes.

"Y/n?" he calls for her name, asking just even a second of her attention.

She turns to the old man who's a stranger to her, yet somehow looks all familiar. He is almost exactly like her brother, but mostly her. "Noona, meet Appa..." Y/n didn't know what to say or how to act, so she just greet him with a 90-degree bow and immediately received a chuckle from the man.

"You're just like your mother and just like how she describes you, I don't think that's how to greet your father. Why don't you give your old man a hug?" She slowly approached him, but he quickly grabbed her wrist and pull her in his warm embrace.

Her eyes tear up as she felt her heart all full. It was him, the person who she longed for since then. Even though she didn't know it before, she definitely knows it now. She hugs him tighter, not planning to let go. "I'm not going anywhere, child..."

After hearing that assurance she burst into tears, making him chuckle a bit. "It's been 3 decades, but you're still my little crybaby... I still remember the day you were born, you were the only baby that kept crying all day..."

She tries to rebut but was almost incomprehensive for the guys to understand what she was saying over her sobs. "I'm not a crybaby." The only thing they heard, as she tries to continue to defend herself from the teasing. "Says the one who always cries first before the actor..."

Hoshi laughed at Jeonghan's comment to his sister while he grabbed a glass of water and hand it to her. "Thank you..." She mumbles as she continues to sniffle. Her father just watch her will full of adoration in his eyes.

Finally, after years of hiding, they could finally reunite without worrying about the surrounding enemies, not only he doesn't need to worry about possibly putting their children in danger, both of them could protect themselves and handle the family business with no problems occurring in the future.

"Jeonghan ah, I've decided to give the hand of my daughter in marriage. I know I could trust you and I know Y/n is smart, for sure she chose the right man. But better make sure not to hurt my crybaby princess." He sternly instructs him, slowly caressing Y/n's hair and wiping the dried tear marks on her cheeks.

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