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never thought to meet a lover and a new family on the path of revenge

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never thought to meet a lover and a new family on the path of revenge

As part of the plan and as promised, Y/n and Joshua immediately drove to the detention center first thing in the morning to pick up the guys before they complain. A simple plan, but there is someone she also wants to meet while she's here.

"You go alone and bail the others, I'll go meet someone..." Joshua quickly understands who is she referring to. The two of them exited the car together and quickly granted to enter the gates. They separated ways as soon as they stepped in, ready to face what was up ahead.

No eerie cold halls nor stares of the criminals around could faze her anymore. She's been through and done dark things herself. However, she's finally ready to bid her farewell, a goodbye to the past, and continue to live for the present and the future.

Entering the small room and wait for the man who she is ready to conclude her chapter with, to begin a fresh page of life. But her expectations fall short when an unfamiliar man set foot in the room. "Agent Kim?" he queries.

"That's me. May I know who are you?" She confirms her identity and proceeded to ask for his. "I'm Sergeant Yang, I'm one of the men who arrested Kang Joohyuk..." Suspicions immediately arise inside her, she couldn't remember him that day and it's possible for her to forget when one day has only passed.

However, she kept those doubts quiet and let him explain before she jumps to conclusions. "Kang Joohyuk, where is he?" he looks down and began explaining the events earlier that morning. "I'm sorry to inform you but this morning we saw him dead in his cell. He left a letter with your name written above it. If you wanna meet him, I'm pretty sure you already know where he is..."

A morgue is a place that is full of haunting memories for her. She have seen countless dead in there, many autopsies she never wants to see again. It was supposed to be a normal farewell for the traumas and past, but everything just went the other way.

Her thoughts are then interrupted when Sergeant Yang slid a paper in front of her. A letter, which she supposed to be Joohyuk's suicide note or last message before leaving. She hesitantly grabbed it and start reading, trying not to miss

any parts.

'she's alive...'

A phrase that got her attention, something that truly befuddled her. Who is alive? Who is she? Those questions filled her mind before she noticed all the loose ends that were just weirdly suspicious to the bones. Without thinking twice, she took her bag and left the room.

She calls someone while walking down the halls, not minding the stares and gazes. Someone to that will help her at the moment and quickly fix everything as soon as possible before the others get the news of it.

[On the Call]

"Need anything?..." His deep voice sends her a moment of relief and assurance that things will be okay. She gained back her confidence.

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