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her true identity is covered lies over lies

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her true identity is covered lies over lies

"Looking for this?" The question calmly left his lips, unbothered by whats we're inside the object nor the secrets she's been hiding. "Yes, give it to me..." not letting him carefully hand in over, she tries to snatch it but immediately fails.

Minghao wasn't really bothered by her behavior, it was like as if it was all normal for him. "Don't leave your phone laying around " He remind her before handing over and leaving.

"Is there something wrong?" Jeonghan asks as he makes way towards her and pass Minghao. "No" That simple reply and a small warm smile was enough to reassure him and shrugged it off.

"Let's go?" Y/n wraps her hands around Jeonghan's arms and nodded. The two are on the way back to Seoul, where they didn't expect more chaos to ensure and secrets to be soonly revealed.

Chanyeol's POV | 7:30 a.m

"How can you lost him? He was literally in front of you!" It was so early in the morning in my hospital bed and he's already screaming and ruining my mood as usual. "It was planned, they purposely send the message for us to come there." I explained for the 5th time.

"What do you mean?" Well finally he's listening. "They sent the message to know who's Y/n but they brought Y/n with them so she couldn't join us. Maybe it's still not the right time to reveal her identity..."

Joohyuk just keep nodding as he listens to everything I say, which was pretty unusual but I like the sight of it. "Is Agent Kim still sending you updates?" A decent question? Something new again. Is he dying or something?

"She doesn't send me updates everyday but she does it to be less suspicious." I lied, Y/n never sent me nor said anything except the times I call her and force her to tell me something. This is how she works, in secret she does everything and the next thing you know she already stabbed you in the back, like literally.

"Keep an eye to Agent Kim, I don't trust her." Don't trust her? No one really trust her to be honest, so I was skeptical at first before handing to her the mission. Since the beginning I always find her mysterious till this day but it's just always been her, she once told me that she has huge trust issues.

Either way I know I can trust her, Y/n never once try to betray me nor anyone except if it's for the mission. "There's nothing to worry about Agent Kim, I know her. She's trustworthy." I think so...

End of Chanyeol’s POV

SM Medical Center | 11:15 a.m

After months, Y/n was finally left alone in the mansion that is when she decided to sneak out for a bit using the way Seungcheol taught her to visit an old friend of hers or actuallya somewhat a family.

Y/n knocks on the wooden door and immediately got a response from the other side, letting her in. "Oh, look who's here..." She playfully rolled her eyes to his sarcastic reaction to her sudden appearance after a long time.

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