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I'm not siding anyone when I have my own

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I'm not siding anyone when I have my own

Y/N's POV | 5:20 p.m

After the talk with Woozi, we both parted ways and left the room not in the same time, as if nothing happened. I nonchalantly walked towards Jeonghan and entered his car

"Looking gorgeous Ms. Kim Y/n" My cheeks immediately heated up but I try to remained calm but I know he totally noticed it. "Where are we going?" I try to change the topic.

"Were going to Busan for some business. Speaking of business... What is your passion?" That question came out of nowhere, I didn't really know what to answer to it. I've been to caught up to alot of stuffs that I sometimes I forget about myself, who am I? And what do I love?

I try to come up of something that is credible and still I can do if ever he suddenly asks me to do it. " I have a passion in drawing..." Well, this was true but I have priorities and things I have to do I decided to push it in a side and forget about it because it'll never help me in the future, or that's how I thought.

"I see you got your Mother's talent" He commented. Did he forgot that I'm adopted? It's not an inheiritance. I just decided to shrug if off and just don't say anything but just focus on the scenery out in the window.

End of Y/n's POV

Busan Port | 6:56 p.m

"We're here..." He waited for Y/n's response but when turned he head and looked at her, she's peacefully sleeping. "Aigoo...you're always sleeping in my car" Unknowingly a smile then curved into his lips.

"What the hell am I doing?" He wasn't sure for himself on what was going on these days, everything just happens without his permission. Smiling? Talking about childhood? He can't get distracted, he needs to catch his sister's killer.

Yet soon as Jeonghan looked at her again, his heart again began to race as if he's running laps, a tingling feeling in his tummy and his flushed cheeks. He did fell and it was for sure hard.

"How can you do this to me Kim Y/n?..." From this moment he knows he was in trouble, he's getting distracted and not heading nowhere to his process on avenging his late sister.

Jeonghan then quickly grabbed his phone and call someone who's for sure not too far from him at the moment.

[On The Call]

"Move your car a bit more near in mine so I can carry Y/n there without anyone knowing."

"Yes, Sir."

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