Chapter 1 - Lost

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Dying star, unknown.
With no sky to call my own.
Lost and never found.

WHAT do you think the world will be like in a couple of centuries?

Sinumpaang bayan na magiliw, makabagong Pilipinas.

Our beloved country's gotten excellently tech-savvy, staying up to speed with all the cool science stuff, fresh ideas, trends, ideologies, and systems as time rolled on and the globe hopped into brand-new revolutions and civilizations. Our ultra-inventive world is now even more on the rise, groundbreaking, and seriously high-tech.

We thrive.

We fought with every ounce of our being to stay alive.

We survive.

Much has changed from the primal generations who shaped history to the ever-progressing living generations clamoring for dynamic diversity, rocket science expeditions, reinvigorated energy sources, and biotechnological proficiency.

The Lost Generation - born 1883-1900

The Greatest Generation - born 1901-1924

The Silent Generation - born 1925-1945

Baby boomers are anyone born from 1946 to 1964.

Generation X is anyone born from 1965 to 1980.

Generation Y (Millennials) are anyone born from 1981 to 1996.

Generation Z is anyone born from 1997 to 2012.

Generation Alpha - born 2013-2025.

Generation Beta - 2025 to 2039.

Generation Gamma - 2040 to 2054.

The new generations in greek letter names: Delta, Esilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa.

And, I, Saint Visha Gotham Law, an existing survivor of the long lost generation, a living testament of the present era, G - Lambda.

Herein lies the chronicle of my life, yet to be unveiled, a canvas for tales untamed.

"Haiku," tawag ko pero hindi gumana. I couldn't scream without alarming the soldiers surrounding our estate, so I whistled to call my horse shortly.

"Careful not to make a noise." I stroked her head before climbing at the back. At first, my getaway plan was working quite well, but the creaking of the gate drew one of the guardsmen as I nearly tripped.

The automated giant gate's verbal cue only pissed me off. "Please wait."

Ihinagis ko sa halamanan ang remote control na hindi gumana nang gamitin ko ulit ito para buksan ang tarangkahan.

"Come on, holy shit!" inis na singhal ko.

"Opening..." the automated gate responded and opened for me.

"Fuck me," bulong ko sa sarili at sandaling pumikit para bumwelo sa pagpapatakbo dahil may mga guardsmen nang nakasunod sa 'kin.

Smirking, running away from our beloved estate is really fun, I really love moments like this. Gotham Law Palace, our official residential real estate, is the world's biggest mansion, spanning 7 billion square feet.

"Hey, what's going on?" muli kong tanong kay Haiku, malayo na ang narating namin. We were able to escape the guards, yet my horse stopped near the terminus of the road, staring down the route to another forested terrain. Instead of taking the car, I decided to bring Haiku along because she makes the journey more convenient and I'm confident that nobody will trail me.

Lost In Time, Found In Love [GL-Sapphics]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon