Chapter 31 - Attached

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Kisses, soft and sweet
Eyes closed, a moment of bliss
World fades, souls complete

"YOU WANT me to..." I bit my bottom lip. Now she's zapping me with enough shock to power a time machine, and I'm feeling like a stunned alien from another dimension.

"Tumatanggi ka sa 'kin pero kapag kay Lady Danaia you're 100% available?"

Napailang-iling ako. "Emergency 'yung kanina but this is-"

"Kalandian 'yun, not emergency! How dare you?!" Even with a fierce glare, she was undeniably lovable. "All I wanted was a little help, but your excuses are plastered all over that face. Not up for it? Sure, whatever!"

"I'm not making an excuse, nagulat lang ako kasi-"

"What?! Ano ba kasing pinagshashabu mo? I was just looking for a bit of help to adjust to the dress you got me but nevermind," she said and shrugged. "It's too hot, and I just want to be comfortable, I'm sweating so much!"

I watched her strip down to her undies, and honestly, she's always stunning, so a swimsuit isn't really needed at this point. Ang ibig kong sabihin, magkapares na simpe at berdeng two-piece ang suot niya ngayon and with effortless grace, she looked like a walking masterpiece - her curves reminiscent of a professional model, emitting a fiery and alluring aura. Dark purple locks framed her exposed shoulder, and her skin glowed with a velvety-smooth touch.

Holy smokes.

Cash Viel Veneracion is an immaculate beauty.

"I can see the surprise on your face. Didn't think I'd be wearing a bra, did you?" She gave a little smirk and raised her eyebrow in amusement. "Cut the staring and give me a hand, will 'ya?"

Napakurap ako sa gulat. Nasa tabi lang siya at mukhang takot lumusong sa tubig mag-isa. Kalmado ang talon, 'di masyadong rumaragasa at ang tanging ingay na maririnig lamang ay ang malakas na lagaslas o pagbagsak ng tubig sa malalaking bato.

"Magbabantay na lang ako rito, I'll stick around until you're done."

Iritado siyang lumapit sa 'kin. She gave me her phone, and seeing her camera ready, I knew she wanted me to capture some shots of her.

"I find the waterfalls just as beautiful as myself, so a picture of us together would be an epic masterpiece." She nibbled on her lip and ran her long fingers through her dark purple hair, as if she wanted to look even better, though she was already fine as is.

"Dumating na 'yong package mo from Sweetopia, hindi ba? May pictures na tayo roon."

"What I meant was, take a photo of only me with the waterfalls, not both of us together."

Nagiging instant bobo talaga ako kapag kausap o kasama siya. Normally, I hate feeling like a fool, but around her, I feel perfectly at ease and don't worry about how I look or say sometimes.

"Ugh, I feel so ugly right now. I couldn't buy the swimsuit I wanted before coming here," nakasimangot niyang usal. She snatched her phone from my hand, used it as a mirror to check her face, and then handed it back to me.

"A new swimsuit won't make a difference. You look perfect as is," mga salitang kumawala sa bibig ko nang nakatitig ulit sa kagandahan niya. Not sure if she's blushing or if her cheeks are always that rosy. Either way, I'm already head over heels for her looks and can't get enough of seeing her.

"A-alright, let's not waste any more time, start taking pictures of me now!"

No over-the-top poses, she just stood confidently, and I captured those fierce, hot, sensual, and serious looks. Her hair flowing in the breeze made the shots even better, and she really rocked the day and the moment. Tahimik lang kaming pareho, namagitan ang ingay ng tubig at tunog ng camera niya sa bawat kuha ng litrato. Sa kanyang huling shot, she started off with a little smile, then cheesed for the camera, but quickly erased it and went back to her frown.

Lost In Time, Found In Love [GL-Sapphics]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon