Oops, not an update!

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Hey there, beautiful people! How's everyone doing? I just wanted to drop a quick note and apologize for my absence these past few weeks. I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed by everything going on in the world lately, like life's been throwing at me a lot... keeping me away from the things I love t,t I had to step back for a breather, the latest LITFIL chapters I wrote were pretty heavy and sad, and then the world's situation added another layer of impact. But rest assured, this phase shall pass, and I'll be back to writing soon.

I'll be posting Chapter 37 of LITFIL tomorrow to catch up, hm? Sending good thoughts to everyone during these challenging times!

PS: Going with Cash's POV in my writing later, just gotta give LITFIL another full read to catch all the details.

Angel ♡

Lost In Time, Found In Love [GL-Sapphics]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon