five: the future husband

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five: the future husband

Henry Cavill as Marco Donati

Not proof-read!

Before my grandfather passed away, he always told me about the Donati family. Every time when we were talking about my future, the topic about the Donati family somehow popped up in conversation. I never understood why. Now? I'm fully aware why he always went on and on about them. He always said that the family were rolling in money, "It is their birthright." He said. "Just like us, not many families have that." At that time, I always believed that having maids, butlers and a personal driver was normal thing. I never paid attention to the people who had less money than us because I grew up in aristocratic environment and to this very day, I am still living in the environment and I will for the rest of my life.

And I blame a certain someone. Not naming names.

When the car pulled in front of a huge house, I wasn't so surprised. Like my grandfather always said, they were always rolling in money.

"Welcome to my brother's house." Dante muses, stopping the engine. I hear the car door opening, but I didn't know if someone was opening the door for me or Dante just got out of the car. My eyes are glued onto the house, I thought it was the family house. Not Marco Donati's house alone.

I get out of the car, but my eyes still focusing on the giant house that Marco Donati alone lives. "He lives here all by himself?" I question in a state of shock.

Dante gets out my suitcases with ease and places them on the ground. "Yep. Lucky bastard." He mutters underneath his breath, but loud enough for me to hear.

I silently agree with Dante. He is a lucky bastard indeed.

"Prepared to meet your future husband?"

"Future husband." It doesn't sound right at all. Would a piano with no sound be right? Of course not. Would a table without its legs be right? Would a knife that wouldn't cut be right? Me and Marco Donati would never ever be right. Not in a million years.

I am terrified to spend my whole life with a man who's been with more women then I have clothes packed away in my suitcases and I have a lot of clothes.

What scares me the most is never seeing Finn again. It hasn't been a day since I left Greece and I already miss him. We spent a lot of time together before I left for Italy and I highly doubt I will see him again. Maybe at where I will be given away to the Devil himself.

I am super excited for that. Nothing better than a wedding with a stranger.

"Ophelia?" Dante's voice snaps me out of everything.

"I'm ready. Let's go meet my fiancé."


The inside of the house is just as big as the outside. The entrance hall of the house is massive and keep in mind it's just an entrance hall. There is a double stairway which I can only presume leads to the bedrooms. In front of me is an archway, I can distinctively see white sofa's and a fireplace, but no fire is made. The sound of heels echo in the huge house, curtsey of the white marble floor with a black design. I stare up at the ceiling, noticing the crystal chandler. The house is pretty fancy for man that lives alone.

"Brother, I have returned!" Like my heels, Dante's voice echoes across the house, again proving the largeness of this house. "I have your fiancee waiting for your presence, Marco! So get your ass down here!"

The sound of footsteps is all I hear. Loud footsteps. My eyes trail at the handsome man walking down the stairs. One of his hands is adjusting to his dark blue tie, while the other is running a hand through his midnight black hair. He has a perfect sculpted jaw with a light stubble dotted around. His light blue eyes peer down at me and I couldn't help but to straighten my back.

What annoyed me the most was that I couldn't find any flaws in his appearance. It was like the Gods perfectly sculpted him!

It was obvious that this was no other than Marco Donati.

He stands in front of me, his eyes staring directly at me. I stare back with a slight glare, but I put on the most fake smile I can muster. "It's a pleasure to meet you Marco Donati, I am Ophelia Kokinos. Your future bride." I practically spat out that word, not liking the sound of it at all. I push out a hand to greet him.

Instantly, his lips meet the back of my hand. I shudder in disgust. Ew, ew, ew. "The pleasure is all mine, Miss Kokinos." He says my last name in a thick Italian accent. I am surprised his English is perfect. I speak English fluently as I attended high school in America and I lived there for a few years after I finished my education.

He lets go of my hand and stares at his brother. He gives him a stern look and Dante nods in reply, "I'll ask the butler to bring your stuff to your room, sister-in-law. Have fun you two." Dante smirks, he shoves his hands in his pockets and walks away with a snigger escaping his throat.

Marco stares back at me. "I haven't seen you since we were teenagers. You look beautiful." He comments flirtatiously.

I held back my snort. "Thank you, Marco. I appreciate the compliment." I reply, deliberately not saying a compliment back to him.

"Miss Kokinos, I realise it must be a strange position for you to be in. But let us try to get along for our future's sake."

I let out a small chuckle, placing a hand on my hip. "Trust me, Marco. It's not just the marriage I'm uncomfortable with." I comment slyly.

Marco notices my subtle insult to him and smiles bitterly. "You must be tired, Miss Kokinos. I'll ask the housekeeper to show you to your room."

Right on time, an woman who looked about in her early late early forties walks in the entrance hall and smiles warmly to me. I smile back.

"This way please, Miss Kokinos."

I nod and follow her lead.

"Get comfortable. You will be staying here a long time." He states, I hear a mocking tone in his voice.

"Oh, I will, Mr. Donati."


Well, there meeting was very friendly and warm. Love at first sight I am sure...

How do you guys like the new cover? Sexy right? ;)

But things will get very interesting in the Marco Donati household. With Ophelia around, I'm sure he will be on his toes or maybe it will be the other way round. Stay tuned to find out!

On August 4th, I will be doing a Q&A. I will be uploading it on my YT channel! So ask any questions you want. It can be about this book, the Donati series, my other books, about me or if you just want some advice about wanting to write book. I'll be looking forward to answer your questions! And if you want me to start up the Ask a characters thing again I might do that, but maybe later in the book where I've introduced more characters *cough* Rita *cough*

Oh, and if you have any song suggestions for this book or maybe a certain chapter leave them in the comments! 

Have a lovely day or night!

See you in the next chapter!

Nat xxx

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