important note from me

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Hello everyone! It's been a loooong time (like 4 years but who's counting). I hope everyone is doing well! I just wanted to leave a little authors note for new and old readers of TID. 

I unpublished TID from all platforms (along with my other books) a couple years ago because I no longer saw myself wanting to be a part of Wattpad (or writing) anymore. To put it simply, I grew up and no longer wanted to pursue writing anymore. I was 13 when I first wrote this and probably 16 when I rewrote it again thinking my teenage style of writing was 'grown up' (like girl bffr). 

But last year I was toying with the idea of coming back and rewriting and revamping The Donati Series so I sat my ass down and tried to come up with a new plan. But it did not go very well. I was literally forcing myself to do something that I had no passion for. Don't get me wrong, I love The Donati Series. It's literally my baby. But personally I found it so hard to rewrite something you wrote when you were 13 as a 22-year old. 

So I gave up. 

But I didn't wanna give up and just leave it to collect dust as before. 

So after much consideration I have decided just to republish the entirety of The Donati Series. 

So go crazy and have fun. 

BUT! Please remember this book and the rest are ramblings of a 16-year old girl. Characters, plot and dialogue are very likely not to make sense. Grammar and spelling are probably incoherent. Lastly whatever is written is not a reflection of me today. I have purely decided to republish this for nostalgia sake. 

And as a little side note I will republishing 3 chapters per day so I don't bombard everyone with like 50 chapters all at once. 

Happy reading everyone!

Love J <3

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