thirty: need

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thirty: need

gif of some couple smooching

not proof-read!

Rain started to pour on Marco and I. Out of all the days the weather decided to be horrible, it had to be today. Luck serious wasn't by my side right now.

We both quickly got off the ride, soaking wet. This wasn't what I expected our first date to be like. My hair was damp and sticking to my face as well as my clothes sticking to my body. I shivered slightly as the cold breeze hit me.

"We should be getting home or we might get sick." Marco said. His hair was also wet, like he took a long shower and his clothes were stuck to his body. I swear I could see his perfectly shaped abs...

"Good idea." I agreed, following Marco to his car.

Even though we got caught by the rain, it was honestly better than any other date I have been on. The men that my father used to make me go on dates with was usually an expensive dinner then the men would drop me him expecting a way to repay him for the night, it just left me disappointed and bored.

The men flaunted their money in my face as if they were showing the money that they carried by taking me to over-priced posh dinners with the best chiefs. I eventually got bored and told my mother, who confronted my father.

He stopped setting me up dates after my mother confronted him. Thank God.

Marco and I ran to the car, both soaking wet. Marco, who was in the car, started laughing. "Not exactly the date I had planned."

I laughed in agreement. I was certainly not expecting pouring rain. "Let's just quickly go back and change out of these clothes."

"Do you need help with changing?" He asked flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes.



As soon as we got home, we saw Dante, Rita and Michelle in the living room. Once they saw us dripping wet and soaking, they laughed. And laughed some more.

"Wow, brother. You're quick. You made her wet already." Dante teased, throwing in a wink towards me.

Rita snorted, but hit Dante at the back of his head. "Stop teasing them. It's cute that they got stuck in the rain. But maybe they could have made out. Now that would have been hot as hell."

"Piss off." Marco muttered under his breathe. This only made them laugh harder.

I couldn't help the smile that slipped onto my shivering lips. What I hadn't noticed that this has been the most happiest I have been in a long time. It wasn't like I was unhappy before I came to Italy, I was happy. But I felt that small, tiny empty hole. It wasn't until I met these guys I felt truly happy.

Oh God, I am turning cheesy now...

I went upstairs to take a quick warm shower and throw on some new, clean clothes. I tied my hair into a messy bun and went back to the living room, where Rita, Michelle and Dante were gone and Marco was the only one there, in a new, fresh clothes.

"Where's the others?" I asked curiously. I noticed he had a basket of some sort and a bottle of red wine.

"I asked them to leave to finish our date." He grinned, showing his pearly white teeth.

"Asked?" I snorted. It was Marco, he probably didn't even asked.

"Ordered, but that isn't the point. I asked Mrs. Reid to make us some food and we can watch a film. By the looks of it, there is no chance of the rain clearing up."

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