fifteen: gifts

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fifteen: gifts

gif of ophelia

 not proof-read!

~marco donati pov~

"So what you are telling me is that you pissed off Ophelia?" Lorenzo asked his son, clarifying the new information he received from his oldest son.

"Well, I wouldn't necessarily that she is pissed off. She is just a little upset." Marco corrected his father. The word "pissed off" seemed a little too far-fetched, Ophelia wasn't pissed off at Marco at all. Maybe she was a little angry at Marco and upset, but never pissed off. "Or is she?" Marco thought in his mind.

The old man sighed, shaking his head at his hopeless son. "Making a woman upset is just as worse." Lorenzo had experience with making women upset, especially with his wife.

Marco told his father everything. Every harsh word he said to her. Every cold stare he gave her. It wasn't the first time he said something like that to a woman, especially if he was trying to get rid of a clingy woman. But why does he feel so guilty when he said those words to Ophelia?

"Maybe I'm coming down with a cold." Marco thought.

He was angry that his own sister had the nerve to say that he didn't deserve to be a Donati, but it didn't mean he could just take out his anger on Ophelia. It was wrong.

It didn't matter that he was trying to make her fall for him. He had to put that aside for one moment, because he had to apologise to her. Not because it would make her fall for him, but it was because it was the morally decent thing to do. Marco was a dickhead, but a complete dickhead.

"I don't know how to fix this." He mutters, staring down to the table. He had this sudden urge to hit his forehead on the table hoping it would bleed.

The old man laughed. "Son, you are hopeless with women."

He raised his eyebrows at his father. Marco was many things, but he wasn't hopeless with women "Father, have you finally reached that age where you have started to forgot things?"

Laughing about his age is one of the joys that Marco had in life.

"I just need to apologise to her and compliment her beauty. The trick words every time." He tells him.

Lorenzo snickered. "Marco, Ophelia Kokinos isn't just any woman. She is a Kokinos woman. She is more specially Anders Kokinos daughter."

For once his father is right. Ophelia is as stubborn as a mule. She is proud. She is spoilt. Marco had to shower her with gifts.

And he had just the gifts to shower her with...


somewhere in italy...

~ophelia kokinos pov~

For the rest of the day I spend looking around Italy with Dante and Michelle. They are both nice people once you got to know them. When I first met Dante, I thought he would be exactly like Marco. But I was wrong, obviously. He is his own person.

"I should be getting back to my husband. He would be worried about me and little one here." Michelle says, gently rubbing her four-month belly.

"See you soon, Michelle. Take care." Dante smiles, kissing his sister by the forehead. "And you too, Peanut." He crouched down to the her stomach.

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