forty: secret

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forty: secret

not proof-read!

I didn't know what I was doing yesterday night with Marco. I even said to myself that I would give myself space. But after 30 seconds I ended up kissing him passionately.

But strangely I don't regret it.

His lips are certainly addicting. I can kiss him forever and never get bored...

Snap out of it! You are suppose to be needing space!

I needed someone to talk to.

However, Michelle was baby shopping and Rita was out on a date with a man she met at yesterdays party. She literally kept me up all night trying to pick an outfit for this date.

It didn't matter because she would look great in anything.

"You have the 'fuck my life' look." Reece stated as he took a seat next to me. "What's wrong?"

"A certain Donati." I answered with a sigh.

Reece smirked. "Michelle? Dang, you have a thing for my wife?" He teased

I gaped at him. "No! You and I both know it's not Michelle."

He chuckled at my reaction. "Marco can be an ass." He said, instantly going to helpful mode. "But that's what makes up Marco."

"What is that you love about Michelle?" I asked curiously. Reece and Michelle have a better love story than Romeo and Juliet. But than again they both ended up.

He laughed and stared up at the ceiling. "She's strong, both physically and mentally. Did she tell you the time when she punched when we first met? I had a bruise for a month. She has sass, which I love about her. Also she is great in b-"

I covered my ears up. "No!"

Reece carried on none the less. "She does this thing with her tongue-"

She what?

"I don't need to know!" I shouted as I stood up.



Reece later went to work, still joking about our discussion earlier. I had to cover my ears the whole time when he was speaking. I really didn't need to know about his active sex life with Michelle.

I called Dante and asked him if he wanted hang out.

"Uh, sorry. I'm busy." He said.

I frowned. Busy? When is Dante busy? He always stays in Marco's home, doing nothing. This is a first. "With what?" I asked curiously.

"I need to...Do an essay."

Now that is unbelievable. He dropped out of University, so why does he need to an essay? Dante is hiding something and I don't like it. "An essay? About what?"

"About different types of...Fridges." He answered as if it was the most obvious thing ever.


Yep, definitely unbelievable.

"You're hiding something." I stated

Dante scoffed. "Of course not."

"Dante..." I said his name warningly.

He laughed nervously. "I need to go and...Feed my fish! Bye!" Before I could complain, he hanged up right away.

Damn you, Dante.


Because of Dante was busy feeding his fish and doing an essay about fridges, I headed out to a park by myself.

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