forty-nine: nightmares

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forty-nine: nightmares

gif of marco

not proof-read!

a/n: there will be very minor sexual content, nothing too bad.

~marco donati pov~

Women giggled around Marco as he flirtatiously smirked at them. It was way too easy for him. Just one smirk and a charming comment then women would pool around his feet.

It was the night of the party he had thrown because Marco Donati was just bored and there was nothing better to throw a party where his friends had been invited.

"Marco, this party is great so far. I'm impressed." A woman with bright green eyes flirtatiously grinned at him. Her eyes trailed down at Marco's suited figure and she licked her lower lips approvingly.

Marco suppressed a groan at her seductive actions as he eyed her dark indigo dress that showed off her perfect curvy figure. Her dress flashed her cleavage, giving him a sneak peek of her breasts and her legs were perfectly toned. He smirked as he imagined those legs around him. Her black midnight hair was down and in sexy curls, finishing off her seductive appearance.

"Thank you," He smirked. "What is your name, beautiful?"

The woman giggled at his compliment and clenched her thighs together as she felt like melting at his sultry gaze. She felt her core moisten as she watched his eyes trail up and down her body. "My name is Lola."

Marco lifted her hand upon his lips and gently kissed her palm. "Pleasure to meet you, Lola." He breathed out. "Shall we take this conversation more privately?"

"Of course."

The pair traveled to an empty spare room and once inside their lips instantly attacked each other. Lola moaned as she felt his hot lips onto hers roughly gripped his neck.

Marco felt himself harden against her and trailed his hands down to her ass, gripping it tightly as if he owned it himself. He felt himself smirk as Lola grind against Marco's hardness wantonly.

They were like animals that wanted to ravish each other. They kissed and touched each other almost like they were in some animalise trance. Marco ripped her dress apart until she was left naked in her laced panties that teased her core to show. Lola managed to get him out his clothes until he was bare naked and his hardness stood proudly.

Marco played with her core until she was completely writhing underneath him. She was definitely ready for him. He was so close in entering her when he heard a soft voice call out his name.

"Marco?" Ophelia stood in the room, staring at the pair with sorrow in her eyes.

It was as if the trance had been broken and he moved away from Lola in disgust. Marco strode to the love his life in panic and opened his mouth to explain to her, but he saw Ophelia drifting away from him. She was disappearing away from him, whispering 'why?' over and over again. She was getting fainter and eventually she vanished. Disappearing before his his very eyes. Gone. She was gone.

He tried to shout for her.

But it was too late. She was gone from him forever.


Marco jolted in his bed and rose up, breathing heavily and sweating like a pig. His heart was rapidly beating and his hair was stuck to his forehead. "Fuck..." He cursed underneath his breath.

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