thirteen: older sister

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thirteen: older sister

gif of dante

not proof-read!

My head turns to Dante, who was leaning against the door frame that connected the kitchen to the dinning room.

Was he here this whole time?

Feeling embarrassed, I stare down to the floor, not wanting to meet my eyes with Dante. 

My mind travels back to our fight. Our first real fight. We have our moments here and there when I first arrived to Italy, but never have I heard Marco sound so...cold. 

I am not angry like I am suppose to be, but hurt. Really hurt.

Back in Greece, I tried not to show any emotions. I was raised up by Anders Kokinos, my father wasn't exactly known to have spring picnics and call his daughter "Princess." He raised me to an emotionless mess, however, he said I could only feel one emotion. Anger. My anger is power to getting what I want because the last people want to do is make a Kokinos angry. 

 But instead of actually listening to him, I just keep my emotions bottled up inside in front of my father, the press and other people who knew my father.

"H-Hello Dante. How are you?" I ask, stuttering slightly. Stupid Ophelia! You are suppose to be the Kokinos heiress!

"You say you are an Heiress, but all I see is some spoilt, pampered little girl that doesn't have a damn clue about the world."

His words echo in my head on and on, those words are permanently engraved into my head for some reasons. Why are his words affecting me so much? 

"Should you really be asking me that?" Dante asks rhetorically, not looking one bit amused. From only a few days of knowing him, I have him pretty much figured out. He is so full of life, but so immature at the same time.

This time his face has no amusement and he almost looks mature.

"I'm sorry for my older brother's immatureness. He can be a hard ass at times. But I'm sure he didn't mean those words."

I straighten my back upright. "It's fine. They don't affect me." I say in a strong voice, but still keeping grace.


I blink and blink again. "Excuse me?"

"Liar. You are upset by his words. You don't have to act like a robot all the time. I have you pretty much figured out, sister-in-law." Dante spoke with a smile coming onto his lips.

There was a long silence before Dante spoke up, breaking the awkward silence. "How about we go explore Italy?!" Dante asks excitedly.

I smile sadly at his enthuasim. "I wish. But Marco won't allow it. I'm practically trapped in his damned mansion."

He snorted. "Why should you listen to Marco? He hurt you. You're not his damn toy. Come on, sis!"

I bit my lip hardly. Could I actually break one of Marco's rules? I was so used to listening to rules and obeying them that I never actually broke rules before because I was so scared of the consequences.

"Alright. Let's go."


I have never seen anything so beautiful before. The water is flowing so freely and continuing, the water flowing that lands is so blue. I can see the coins clearly, sitting in the water. 

So this is Trevi Fountain.

I threw a coin using my right hand over my shoulder. Maybe I could make a wish, but I highly doubt it will work. But if it did, my wish is to have happiness in the future. From what I'm seeing, the future isn't really happy days right now.

"Having fun?" Dante asks as he stands next to me.

"Yes, thank you." I smile politely.

So far I haven't been hounded my the press yet. There were a few wide-eyed as I walked past people as a few gossipers, but that's about it. 

"How about we go to Café that sells the best ice cream?" Dante grins. "I love ice cream!" He exclaims, clapping his hands excitedly.

I burst out laughing. "You are such a child sometimes."

Dante gasps, pointing a figure at me. "You laughed! Hell yeah!"

I roll my eyes at his silliness.

We both walked to a cafe that wasn't that far from Trevi Fountain.

I ordered a Lemon ice cream, whilst Dante ordered a vanilla and mango.

"Hey Dante!" A woman shouted.

"Finally, Michelle!" Dante groaned.

She ran towards the table Dante and I were sitting. She had brown hair that just went past her shoulders and to match her brown hair, she had brown orbs. Also she looked heavily pregnant.

"Sorry I was late. I was busy with Reece." She says, taking a seat besides Dante.

"TMI, Michelle." He gags playfully.

"Dante!" She scolds him like he was a child.

He is kind of like a child...

The woman notices me and kindly sends a smile to my direction. "Hello, it's finally nice to meet you. My name is Michelle."

I crookedly returned the smile. "My name is Ophelia."

"Oh." She grins. "I know."

Her toothy grin reminds me of Dante when he grins. Strange.

"Dante, be a dear and order me banana, strawberry, chocolate and toffee ice cream." She hands Dante a few notes from her purse. "Thanks."

"I'm not ordering for you! Do it yourself!" He scowls.

Michelle narrowed her eyebrows at him. "I am a heavily pregnant woman. An angry heavily pregnant woman. Plus I'm older then you and you must always listen to your elders. So go. Now." She shoos him away.

Instantly Dante stands up from the seat, accepting the notes of money and went to order the ice cream.

"Finally, we have some time alone." She comments. "I apologise for my brothers nuisance towards you this morning. Dante told me all about it. He was in a bad mood. But that doesn't excuse him for saying hurtful things towards you. It doesn't mean he is a bad person though. My brother is just...Difficult."


I blind in shock. "I'm sorry, but I'm confused. Brother?"

Michelle nodded slowly. "Yes. Marco and Dante are my younger brothers."


oh heeeeey michelle has been introduced!

dante is everything <3 i just love the guy xD

thank you for all your patience guys, school has been a real bitch lately. but since the summer holidays are here i have more time to write, so expect waaaay more updates. i'm actually aiming to finish editing this book by the end of the summer break so lets cross fingers! 

see you in the next chapter!

have a lovely day or night!

nat xxx

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