twenty-one: dance

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twenty-one: dance

gif of marco

not proof-read!

Marco drags me to where people are dancing. I frown as he is gripping my hand, it doesn't hurt, but it did make me want to pull away. He could have at least be a lot more gentle.

I'm surprised this man is famous with the ladies. He is no gentlemen at all.

He suddenly pulls my body towards him and rests one hand on my waist. With his other hand, he gently grasps my hand, holding it out. I put my hand on his shoulder instinctively.

We both follow the beat of music together.

"There was no need to be so rude." I began. "You should control that jealousy of yours."

Marco has a devilish smirk on his perfect sculpted lips. "It's not me. It's that green monster that appears when you are near another male."

I breathe out a laughter. "Well, tell that monster to stop appearing or at least control it."

His face leans closer to mine and I swallow an audible gasp wanting to come out. "Want to help me with that?" He whispers, his breathe fanning on my face.

Feeling confident, I lean my face even closer. Our lips were a centimetre apart, any closer then we will be kissing. "Do it yourself, Donati." I whisper. 

I hear Marco's deep chuckle, his chest vibrates against my chest. Without warning he dips me, making me gasp slightly. Then he pulls me back up with his face close to mine.

"You're an okay dancer, Mr. Donati." I tease.

"I'm a fucking fantastic dancer." He corrects.

I roll my eyes at his arrogance. Such a cocky man. "Think however you want." I let go of his shoulder and pulled us apart. With a smirk, I decide to leave him alone.

I walked around the ballroom looking for Finn. Once I found him, he seems  to be in deep conversation with a man who I recognise. If I remember correctly, he is politician.

Deciding not to interrupt their conversation, I walk off else where. I think I might get some wine.

"Ophelia!" A familiar voice shouts. I turn around and see Michelle walking towards me with a smile.

I smile back. "Hello, Michelle. You look fantastic."

She is wearing a dark red gown that was off one shoulder. Her hair was tied to a neat bun with a few sneaky strands escaping. 

"Thank you. How are you? I haven't seen you for days." She queries. "Dante told me that you got a fever a few days ago."

I wave it off. "Oh, that. I'm fine. Just a minor fever."

She laughs. "Yeah, try telling that to Dante. He called me at seven in the morning, shouting his head off. You two seem pretty close already."

"Dante is a nice. He gets along with anyone." I comment. 

"He is the much preferred male Donati."

I snort in agreement. Marco's first impression wasn't the best.

"Also he told me that your childhood friend is staying in Italy. Where is he?" She asks as she searches through the sea of people.

"He's there." I point to Finn, where he is now talking to someone else. He can just socialise with anyone, can't he?

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