sixteen: email

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sixteen: email

gif of marco

not proof-read!

~marco donati pov~

To say that Marco Donati was shocked had to be the understatement of the year. His jaw was as if it was on the floor from the shock he had just witnessed not a few seconds ago.

Ophelia Kokinos. The spoilt Greek Heiress declined his red roses that cost more then his Rolex watch and declined the necklace that cost more than ten diamond necklaces combined?

Who is this woman?

He thought he had her figured at the restaurant. He believed that she was just the regular spoilt heiress, but it turns out that Ophelia was more than a spoilt Greek heiress. She was something different or maybe she was only playing him.

Ophelia Kokinos was an interesting woman indeed

"Bravo, brother. It seems like you pissed her off even more." Dante said in amusement. "Ophelia isn't what the tabloids have said."

Marco glares at his little brother. "And you truly know her?"

Dante chuckles and shakes his head. "No. I don't. But I know her enough to know that she isn't what we all expected."

Suddenly he remembers that Ophelia wasn't at home and Dante also wasn't at home. "Where did you go with her?" He asks with his jaw clenched.

He remembers telling Ophelia not to go out as it will create the Italian press following her every move. With the newest rumour of Ophelia being his "lover of the month" being out in Italy wouldn't be a great idea as they would be swarming her. 

Dante grins. "Jealous?"

Was Marco jealous that his future wife was running around Italy with his brother?

Of course not.

"Liar." A voice sang in his head.

"Don't stupid. I don't get jealous over such little things." He denies.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I took her out again? Maybe a romantic stroll."

His jaw clenches once again, the thought of Ophelia ending up with his brother boiled his blood. He would hate for that to happen and especially if they were to get married and Marco would have to watch in the sidelines

"Shit, what the hell am I saying?" Marco echoes in his mind. "That evil Greek woman, she is playing mind games with me!"

"Shut up." He grumbles angrily. "I'm serious, where did you two go?"

"We just went exploring and got ice cream. Oh, and Michelle's stomach is getting bigger!" He exclaims excitedly


Marco was still very angry at Michelle, he would say that it was all her fault for riling him up and lashing out on Ophelia, but it wasn't Michelle's fault. He just couldn't control that damned anger of his

"Michelle told us everything." Dante says, starring at him with almost apologetic eyes. "And she takes blame for everything."

But it wasn't her fault. It was his. He just had problems controlling his anger. 

Dante is like a child and has the happy-go-lucky personality, which makes him pretty much approachable. Michelle is intelligent and calm, as long as you didn't make her angry, messing with a pregnant Michelle is like pissing off Satan. Then his father, smart like Michelle, but strict when he needs to be. He wasn't exactly like a typical father. Lastly, the pride and joy of the Donati family. Their mother. She was basically like a female version of Dante, but has more brains then him. Not to mention she is beautiful, especially for sixty-six.

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