seven: mistaken confession

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seven: mistaken confession

gif of ophelia

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somewhere in italy...

~marco donati's pov~

Marco requested his future wife to meet him at his favourite restaurant which served only the best of the best cuisine in Italy. "Only the best for my future wife." He thought bitterly.

He was certainly surprised seeing Ophelia again in years. Even though it has been a while, he knew that Ophelia has certainly changed from when she was a teenager. She has matured a lot, obviously. But she has grown much more beautiful within the years. He heard a few things about her from his old man. Marco heard that Ophelia was making her mark as model in America, so when he saw her for the first time, he saw that she definitely had a model's body. She had a perfect figure with curves in the right places. Her legs were slim and defined, Marco imagined those wrapped around his waist.

What surprised him even further was her sharp tongue. The way she said wife, it was as if the word was bitter in her mouth and she wanted to spit it out. But, this only made her interesting for him. "This is certainly going to be fun." He thought.

Marco waited patiently for the Kokinos Princess to grace him with her presence and God, she was certainly taking her sweet time.

He took drunk his white wine slowly and at the corner of his eye, he spotted the familiar Blonde Greek walking his way. Finally.

"Glad of you to join me in such a hurry." He mused, placing his wine glass back on the table.

Ophelia sent him a bitter smile, quickly placing herself on the chair in front of Marco. "Have you been waiting long?" She questions, pouring herself a glass of the white wine that Marco was drinking only a few seconds ago.

He shook his head in reply. "Only half-an-hour. Not long at all." He replied, sarcasm laced in his voice. He was provoking her on purpose. He wanted to know how long she kept this false, graceful persona.

Ophelia Kokinos was like a glass ball. He could see right through the sweet act she was performing.

"I apologise, Mr. Donati. It took a while looking this good." She spoke arrogantly. And she is narcissistic. Just my type. He mentally added sarcastically.

"Marco," He corrected. It was only right for her to call him by his first name since they were to be married very soon. "Call me Marco."

She nodded. "Right, Marco."

Marco called the waiter over and he and Ophelia ordered their food. He ordered his usual tender steak, something he always got when he ate at this restaurant. Ophelia ordered a fish meal of some sort.

"I met your father today." Ophelia stated, breaking the ten second silence between them.

"And what did you two talk about?" He asked curiously, hoping the old man didn't say anything that would make Ophelia suspicious of his true intentions.

It was an agreement that when Ophelia and Marco were married, he would instantly got a hold of his father's company along with portion of the Kokinos Hotel Empire. But to that, he had to get permission from Ophelia when she took over. Marco knew that Ophelia would do no such thing, however, if his plan worked out, he would be able to get what he wanted. Then he would able to get rid of her once and for all. It was unknown to his father that Marco was planning to get rid of Ophelia after and he wasn't planning telling him any time soon.

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