eight: disbelief

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eight: disbelief

gif of marco

Not proof-read!

Like all women, they all dreamed of falling in love and they also dreamed of their love saying that they loved them back. When someone says the words "I love you", I always dreamt that Finn would be saying those three wonderful words. I couldn't picture myself with anyone else besides him and not in a horrific way saying that I have a cardboard cut out of him and I stroke his picture every time I go to sleep. I love Finn enough that if he loved someone else, I would let him go.

My mother always told me that if you really someone then I would should care for their happiness more than your own. No matter how painful it may be.

"Dragging someone into your fantasy is making them miserable. You may be happy with it, but are they?" She always asked me.

But I always dreamed that when someone said, "I love you." It would be someone I held dearly in my heart.

Marco Donati doesn't even make the top 100.

"I love you." He suddenly blurts out. The words were rushed, but I could hear them loud and clear.

My jaw unhinged as my eyes widened in shock. I swear I almost fell off my hair, but I gripped the legs of the chair to stop myself from falling off.

This would be any women's dream. To have Marco Donati saying the words "I love you" is a great accomplishment, but it's like finding a pig flying. It will never happen. That's what I thought, until a few seconds ago.

I manage to snap out of my shock. My eyebrows narrowed at the Italian. "I don't believe you." I state calmly, despite I was panicking on the inside.

The flabbergasted expression on his face said it all. "What?" He gritted through his teeth as if he was stopping himself from shouting at me.

My lips form a small victorious smile. "I don't believe you." I repeat slower in a patronising tone.

"You-" He points at me. "Don't believe me?" He points to himself.

"Yes." I clarify with a nod and a smile. "Be real here, Marco. You just met me for the first time in years and you confessed your love to me. Isn't that...Ooh, what's that word?" I snap my fingers teasingly knowing the exact words to use. "Stupid, silly and dumb."

"You don't believe love at first sight?" He counters, an angry expression pictured on his face. I may believe in love, but not love at first sight.


He runs a hand through his pitch-black hair, releasing a sigh. "I'm hurt, Ophelia. I love you and that is the truth." He comments softly, staring at me intensely with hid light blue eyes.

I shrug lazily. "Well, I don't believe you." I state, pushing my chair backwards. I stand up, drinking the last contents of my wine glass. I set the glass down loudly, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. "Thank you for dinner."

He frowns. "The food hasn't even come yet."

Your fake love confession just made me lose my appetite. 

"I'm full."


Let's just say that Marco was not pleased when I walked out of the restaurant, leaving him to pay the bill even though we haven't eaten. I didn't miss the curious looks from other people in the restaurant when I walked out and the sudden gasps when they saw Marco following after me. Marco Donati never chases women, it was usually the other way round.

Honestly, I don't know where I am going. I don't know my way around Italy what so ever and it's not like I even brought my phone with me. I stupidly left it back at the house.

My lips mould to a frown as I quicken my walking pace. "You know you don't have to follow me." I state calmly. I stop walking and turn to face the bastard himself, crossing my arms angrily.

His confused and angry expression back at the restaurant was completely gone and was replaced with a smug one. I suddenly want to hit him. "Actually, I do. You do know your way around Italy. You will be lost as Bambi in the forest fire."

My cheeks flush in anger as I send a glare towards Marco. My anger suddenly grew because I knew that he was right. I don't know my way around this country at all.

"I'll just-"

He quickly cuts me off. "Call someone? Sweetheart, you have no ones number besides your family who are far away from you and a cab is out of the question because you have no idea what the address is and did you even bring any money with you?"

I grit my teeth to stop myself from swearing like a sailor. He is right, surprisingly if I may add. I don't even speak Italian, so a cab is out of the question.

I don't have Marco's drivers number. I don't even have a phone. A phone booth could work. Oh, right...I don't have any money or the drivers number.

My eyes stare at the smug Marco. "Fine." I grit out reluctantly.

Marco flashes me a victorious grin. "Great."

I can't believe I lost this one because I was too stupid to bring a phone, money and ask for Marco driver's number! Damn my intelligence!

"You are taking me back to the house and only your house. No random stops, okay?" I ask warningly. I didn't want to put up with him. I couldn't even stand dinner with him. I am pretty hungry though. I'll just ask Mrs Reid to make me something.

He nods, taking out his car keys from his blazer pocket. "Alright, we may head back home."

"Thank you." I practically spat out bitterly like it was toxic on my tongue.

Marco smirks as he walks back to the restaurant, I follow behind him. "The Greek Heiress can say thank you?! I am shocked!" He mocks.

I quickly scowl. "You're a devil, you know that?"

"No, no." He disagrees hastily. "I am a handsome devil."

I snort, rolling my eyes.

Handsome devil, my ass.


A short chapter, but none the less, a chapter. So...Ophelia and Marco. Very friendly to each other aren't they? 

SCHOOL NEXT WEEK. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! The summer has gone by so quick :c I barely went outside. I have no friends, boo D: The worst thing is that me and a few other people have to go back on a Monday and others go back on a Tuesday cause we have to help with the people starting high school. A downside of being peer mentors. 

AND GUESS WHAT? WE ARE RANKED #66 IN ROMANCE. I was so shocked how quick this book was back in the ranks again. It shows me how awesome you guys are and I'm grateful to you guys! Especially for those who are reading this book again! Love ya guys <3

See you in the next chapter!

Have a lovely day or night!

Nat xxx

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