three: a promise

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three: a promise

Sam Claflin as Finn Georgiou

Not proof-read!

The conversation I had with my father quickly dialled down my mood and the excitement of being back home is gone as well. I thought coming back home would be good for me, but look how that turned out. I end up being engaged to one of the biggest playboys in Europe.

I am slightly offended that my own father practically sold me off to the Donati family just for the Kokinos Empire to grow and he even had the nerve to say it was for my own good.

I am sat on the edge of my bed, thinking how everything got messed up so quickly. All I wanted was to come home and see my family, but instead, I find myself engaged to Italy's most infamous playboy.

"Oh, darling." A soft voice mummers.

My head turns to the bedroom door, where my mother stands. Her face is filled with sympathy as she strides towards me. "You okay, pumpkin?" She asks softly as she sits besides me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

My mother is gorgeous for her age. Not one strand of grey is found in her perfect blonde locks and she is still physically keeping fit. You wouldn't think she is fifty-one at all. There are some faded age-marks, but those aren't that noticeable. Some argue that I am a replica of my mother, but others argue I am a replica of my father. All I know is that I got my blonde hair from my mother and my dark blue eyes from my father.

"Mother, I am getting married to a man who can't stick with one woman. I bet who couldn't even commit to looking after a fish yet alone a woman." I sass with sarcasm.

She sighs, removing a hand from my shoulder and placing it instead on my knee for comfort. "I'm sorry, pumpkin. I wish I could have stopped this engagement, I tried to stop Anders from making this decision, but apparently my say on the situation has no effect." She mummers the last line bitterly. She was definitely angry at my father...

I stare at her in anger. "He has no right to make the decision of who I want to marry for me! Wasn't also engaged to some woman when he was with you? Against his own will? He is such a hypocrite!" I yell, my mother flinches slightly as a I mention the woman who my father was engaged to years ago.

With a groan, I place my two hands on the sides of my head and rub gently. I wasn't only upset that my father arranged a marriage to a man who would obviously not be faithful, but my heart already belongs to someone else.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you two. I'll come back later."

My heart instantly jolts at the sound of the soft yet deep voice. The voice that always made me happy to be here. "Finn." I smile gently, staring into his deep green eyes.

Finn returns the smile and my heart wanted to burst out right there and now. My eyes drink in his gorgeous features that I haven't seen in two-years. This man is not only handsome, but he has a heart full of gold. He is the sweetest man I have ever met.

I've been in love with Finn for years, but it saddens me because he doesn't know it.

Finn's family and my family have been good friends for years, so I have known him since I was a little girl. He has been my best friend for over ten-years and he is still my best friend to this very day. However, when I was thirteen, I found out that he was more than a friend to me. I was in love with him. So for twelve-years I have been in love with a man and he doesn't even know it.

It's pretty tragic.

"It's alright, Finn. I will leave you two to talk." She says with a devious smile on her lips. She pats my knee for the last time before standing up and exiting of my room. Before she leaves, she sends me a small wink.

My mother know my feelings for Finn since I was ten. I only had a minor crush on him back then, but when I hit thirteen that minor crush turned into love.

I get up from my bed and run over to him, hugging instantly. "I missed you so much." I whisper gently, I smile when he hugs me back tightly.

"I missed you too, Fee. So much." My smile widens as he calls me by my childhood name.

I reluctantly let go of him. "How have you been?"

Finn smiles softly. "Oh, you know. The usual. Work, being peer-pressured by my family and insanely missing you."

I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "Smooth, Georgiou. Very smooth."

He sends me a cheeky wink, my heart skips a beat. "I try, Miss Kokinos."

A comfortable silence falls between us and I notice his face hardening. I tilt my head to one side as I roll my lips into my mouth. "What's wrong, Finn?" I question curiously.

"I heard, Fee. I heard about the engagement to Marco Donati."

My eyes widen. "H-How did you know?"

A sad smile appears. "Maids talk."

I scowl furiously. Of course those damn maids are gossiping already. I still don't know why they haven't been fired for talking about things that don't even concern them!

"You know, there are hundreds of rich, unmarried bachelors. Why Marco Donati out all of them?"

I simply shrug, not knowing the answer myself. "Ask my father that question, not me."

"When are you leaving?"

"Near the end of this week."

His dark-green orbs widen in shock. "Why the rush?"

"So we can get to know each more." I scoff, rolling my eyes. I bet Marco Donati hasn't had a proper conversation with a woman for long time without the intention of sleeping with them.

Finn drags his hand to my cheek and caresses it gently. My eyes look upon his for a moment before looking back down at my feet. He places a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Ophelia, I promise I will find a way to break this engagement. You don't deserve this. You deserve to be with a man because they love you."

I ignore the flutter feeling in my stomach and keep my face blank. "Finn, don't go assuming things. How would you break this engagement? My father will never allow it." I state.

He moves his hand from my cheek to my blonde locks, and slowly caresses a strand. "My Ophelia, every man has a weakness. Your father has one and I will use it to break the engagement."

I frown. "Isn't that blackmailing?"

He chuckles and smiles mischievously. "Call it whatever you want."

I slap his hand away from my hair and grin. "Good luck with trying to blackmail my father."

"Blackmail or not. I promise I will find a way. I swear."


Well. We introduce Finn Georgiou! The man who Ophelia is in love with! Not gonna, I kinda swooned over him. HE IS PLAYED BY FREAKING SAM CLAFLIN! WHO ISN'T GONNA SWOON OVER HIM?! (dont answer that)

The upcoming chapters will be very interesting as we will finally introduce the infamous Marco Donati! :D

I have been listening to Ariana Grande like all week. Her songs are very inspirational actually and her voice is amazing c:

Well, I am on summer holiday! FINALLY! So expect quicker chapters for the next month or so!

See you in the next chapter!

Have a lovely day or night!

Nat xxx

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