seventeen: hot

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seventeen: hot

gif of ophelia

not proof-read

Finn is coming. He is coming to Italy. After I read the email for the tenth time, I stay still in the seat not daring to move. I blink once, twice and thrice. But that email is still implanted. Oh God Finn is coming.

He is actually coming.

I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Finn is coming to Italy to see me. I felt my heart flutter in my chest in excitement.

But what worries me is that Marco might send him back to Greece or worse. Oh God. What if Marco does something terrible to him?

"Miss Kokinos, Mr Donati would like you to join him for dinner." Mrs Reid announces as she enters my room.

I was too much in a daze that I just nod my head in response.

He is coming. And Marco might do something bad to him...

I walk down the stairs and into the dinning room, where all the roses were cleared up. I wonder why he put all those roses and petals.

"I am glad you joined me." Marco states as I took my seat next to him.

"Yeah, sure." I respond with my head still in the clouds.

Marco stares at me strangely. "I have asked the chef to prepare your favourite fish." He then comments, sounding almost proud of himself.

"Yeah, sure." I smile, making eye-contact with him for only a few seconds before turning my eyes back to the small abstract painting that is hanging on the walls of the dining room.

I an too much in a shock to even speak to Marco properly.

He frowns at my response. "How was your day? You went out with Dante and met my sister." He asks with a hard look on his face.

If he keeps on having that look on his face, it will just ruin that handsome face of his.

Damn, what on Earth am I saying?

"Yeah, sure."

"Are you okay, Ophelia?" He asks in a worried tone.

Ha, him worried about me? No way.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did." He smirks with an amused look on his face. I roll my eyes at him.

I ignore his smart-ass remark and continued to speak. "If I was in love with someone else, what would you do?"

There is silence for a minute before Marco opens his mouth. "Do you want the honest truth?"

I nod my head eagerly.

His eyes stare at me intensely that I  am almost trembling at his gaze. "I would rip the man to shreds and tie you up in my bed to convince you that you are actually in love with me." His voice is deeper, huskier and more...Seductive.

God, this man...


I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was tossing and turning, and my face was sweating. It was so hot last night that I had the urge to rip my clothes off. In a non-sexy way of course.

It's seven am and I couldn't get any sleep. To make matters worse, I was still sweating even with my hair tied up.

My face feels red and I have an awful headache, it feels like my head is about to explode.

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