thirty-nine: tease

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thirty-nine: tease

gif of camilla

not proof-read!

~marco donati pov~


Ophelia could just pull of anything. She could dye her hair pink and she would still look hot as hell. Ophelia was dressed in champagne coloured dress which flowed to the ground, her v-neck showed her lovely cleavage and the flow that trailed behind her just made her look a Goddess. But the thing that stood out to Marco was Ophelia's new sexy medium length hair which was curled to the side. Her red lips just made Marco want to kiss her with everything that he had. 

She wasn't making it easier for Marco, who wanted to pull her over to his lip and kiss her until he he was out of breath. He was one step away from doing that.

He saw his mother's eyes lighten up as she Ophelia introduced herself. She had a large grin plastered on her lips. He betted now she was imagining what her future grandchildren would look like.

"Ophelia! You look wonderful! Do you remember me?" Francesca Donati asked. Ophelia had look of confusion for a second, before rolling her lips into her mouth questioningly. 

"My name is Francesca. I am your mother's best friend and I am this boy's mother." Mother lightly slapped at the back of Marco's head. He scowled in response


Ophelia smiled at Francesca politely. "It's very nice to meet you, Francesca."

"Aw, graceful and beautiful!" Mother cooed, adoring Ophelia like she saved the world or something. "Just like your mother."

He couldn't snorted besides her mother. Graceful and beautiful? Okay, the beautiful part he definitely would agree on. But graceful? Ophelia was more cocky than him.

Francesca turned to him with a quick, harsh glare before turning back to Ophelia. "I honestly did not recognise you, dear.".

"Okay, mother. You are scaring her." Michelle said in amusement

"I am not!" She answers, defensively.

She is definitely scaring her.


Marco's father pulled away his wife to dance, much to her dismay. She wanted to speak to Ophelia some more. But of course Lorenzo managed to persuade her.

He was Lorenzo Donati after and age didn't take away his charm. 

Michelle and Rita went off to find some food. Michelle said that she was feeding two people and it was necessary to stuff her face with food and Rita just liked food. 

Dante then arrived not long after. and dragged Ophelia away to get a drink. Marco wasn't angry because he understood Ophelia's feelings for him and they just needed time apart from each other.

But it still boiled his blood that Dante got to spend more time with Ophelia than he did.

After a few minutes, I spotted Ophelia in a far corner, holding her glass of wine. Dante was nowhere to be seen.

"Kokinos." He nodded curtly as he stood besides her.

"Donati." She nodded back, avoiding all eye contact.

'Hmm, Ophelia Donati. Has a good ring to it.' He thought to himself, grinning mentally. 

"How have you been?" He inquired as he grabbed himself a glass of wine.

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