forty-eight: wise

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forty-eight: wise

gif of dante

not proof-read!

God, what do I do now? I've cried by the road for the past hour, I've been sobbing, screaming, yelling and crying. I've cried so much during the past hour that I think I ran out of tears. My eyes physically hurt and my throat was sore.

I've been lied to. I don't know why I am so upset. I have been lied to before. What makes this time any different?

Because it's the man you are in love with and he wasn't planning on telling you at all.

Everything was a mess. I thought I would get closure. Not another situation that has left my heart ripped and bleeding to the side.

Leave what happened with Marco to one side. You need a fucking place to stay first.

I'm swearing mentally now. I do not swear that often, but that anger that is built up inside of me has made me swear. This is the most often I have swore.

A habit by Marco...

Here I go again. Thinking about him. The man that I loved so much. Tears are starting to form once again as I carried on thinking about him.

No. Stop, Ophelia. You are better then this.

I searched my pockets and picked up my phone. Thank God I have it with me. If I hadn't I would have been a mess.

I scrolled my contacts to see who I could call to deliver my things to a hotel. I have money on me, so I can just take a taxi to the nearest hotel.

Or someone could just drive me there.

Who to call?

I carried on scrolling until I see Dante's name. Maybe he can deliver my things. He can drive, right? I hope so.

I click on Dante's name and start call him. A few rings later he picks up his phone.

"Ophelia? Where are you? Marco is worried sick."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I'm fine. Can you drive?"

"Well, yes. What happened?" He asked.

"Do me a favour and pick me up. You know the woods that Marco took me to? The one that you, Marco and Michelle used to play as children? If you turn left from there, then there is an empty road. You will see me there and can you also ask Mrs. Reid to pack my things. I will be staying at hotel. And please do not tell Marco."

I am surprised at myself that I didn't break down as I said his name.

"Look, Ophelia. Marco needs to explain himself. He-"

"Don't." I stopped him. "People need to stop explaining the real situation to me. I know everything loud and clear. Can you please just help me?" I stared at my left hand, and find that the ring is gone. My finger felt so empty without it.

"Okay. I will do this for you."

I smile weakly. "Thank you." I hung up and patiently waited for Dante


"So..." Dante trailed off as he steered the driving wheel. "How are you?"

I am not going to lie to Dante and say that I was fine and happy with life because I wasn't at all. "Terrible." I answered honestly.

"At least you honest about it."

I shrugged. "What's the point of lying? I am just lying to myself."

"Look, you need to know the full story of what happened. There is more to the situation then you think." Dante states. I rolled my eyes.

"What's more to explain? What justification can he put to the situation? He lied. End of story. The whole point of a relationship was to tell me the truth. If he really was in love with me then why couldn't he tell me? Yes, I would have been angry at first. But I would have forgiven him. I had to find out by listening into a conversation. What's done is done and there is nothing to fix it. Our relationship was doomed from the start." I stated bitterly.

Jeez, you are bitter...

"But it isn't something that Marco could have just said out of the blue. He might have been scared. If you think about it, he met a woman that he could truly be happy with. He did not want to have it ruined. He was terrified that you might have left him. Well, you have, but I am sure he was going to tell you at some point because the guild would have been too much and if you thought that yours and Marco's relationship was doomed from the start then why didn't you run? You had enough time to run. So why didn't you?"

I paused and stare at him. He's right. Why didn't I?

"Life is too short and you can only find your true love once. Don't let something get in the way. Spend as much time with Marco. I don't mean to be heartless or some shit, but one day you might find that Marco might disappear one day. Learn it from me. I lost the love of my life and I don't regret not turning up that day. I regret not spending as much time with her as I should have."

My eyes soften at Dante. Very wise. I nodded understandingly. "I understand, Dante. I won't say things will go back as the it would be. But not right now everything just threw up on me."

Dante sniggered. "Threw up?"

I scowl. "Not literally."

Of course a wise Dante couldn't make it without cracking up a joke.

"But I need space to breathe and think things slow. I will talk to him. But not right now. I am still hurt and angry. I need to recover and so does he."

Dante smiled. "Marco is a lucky man to have you."

I smiled softly. "It depends if I am still his." I muttered.

We don't say anything for the rest of the car journey. I mostly stared out to the distance, thinking. I am angry; I am upset; I am hurt. But it doesn't mean that I can't put my brain to use.

As the car stopped, I notice that we have arrived to the hotel.

Dante and I stepped out of the car and he helps me with my things.

"Ophelia, tell me something."


"Do you still love him?"



 i know i know

they literally just broke up during the last chapter. 

but when shit happens we don't really had that mindset to think about it in someone else's pov we are too concentrated on the hurt in us. ophelia won't go running back to him she needs time. 

time is the healer y'all. 

see you in the next chapter!

have a lovely day or night!

nat xxx

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