Thank you + What's next?

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Finally the end! 

I just wanna say thank you guys for the support and love I have received and hoped you enjoyed reading TID. I'm still in shock how many old fans have returned to reread this book. This book literally changed everything for me when it came to writing and it will forever have a place in my heart (despite all the errors lmao) 

Like previously I will try to answer some questions you may have. 

Will there be an epilogue? 

Undecided. I don't have plans to write one, but who knows I might surprise you guys? But right now it isn't a focus for me.

Will there be a sequel? 

Yes and no. Ophelia and Marco's story is over and there will not be a direct sequel. However, TID is part of a series and the next book is called The Other Devil and will follow Dante and his love story.

When is Dante's story coming out? 

So Dante's book is finished. However, there are some things I plan to rewrite and cut out so until that is done I won't be publishing it. But as soon as the rewrite is close to finishing I will let you guys know :) 

How many books will there be in The Donati Series? 

3! Marco's story, Dante's story and someone else's story ;)

So what is next? 

So besides TOD, I had another book published which some of you might remember called The Neighbour. I will republishing that at some point this month so please stay tuned if you enjoy a lighthearted and humorous romance :) 


Have a lovely day or night! 

J <3

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