fourteen: sibling arguments

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fourteen: sibling arguments

gif of michelle

not proof-read!

My eyes widen as I try to digest this piece of information. I never knew that Marco and Dante have an older sister, all my time of knowing Marco, I wasn't aware of this sister that he has.

"You seem shocked. Didn't Marco say anything about me?" Michelle asks with a small frown.

I shook my head. "Um, well we don't really talk much." I answer, hoping it will make her feel a little better.

She snorts and rolls her eyes. "Yeah, don't talk much. That's why he turned into an ass and was rude to you."

I scratch the back of my neck uncomfortably. I wasn't in the mood to talk about what happened this morning and Marco's rude ways.

She stares at me apologetically. "I am sorry. It's my fault that he lashed out on you." She says, bowing her head, looking ashamed of herself.

I gave Michelle a questioning look. "What do you mean?"

"This morning we had a conversation, more of a disagreement. I said something that made him angry. I am sorry that he took out that anger you. It's my fault." 

"It's fine. It wasn't you're fault. Marco should take control of his anger probably, so it's not you're fault." I comment cooly.

Dante ran back to the table, holding a large sundae glass with different flavours of ice cream. "Here." He places the glass on the table.

Michelle grins happily. Her eyes sparkling with the joy at the large sundae glass "Thank you, baby brother!" She happily starts to eat her ice cream.

If Michelle is the oldest, then why didn't she take over the Donati Empire? It is obvious that the eldest takes over. So why didn't she?

How the Donati family works still confuses me.


somewhere in italy

~marco donati pov~

Marco didn't bother to go to work after he stormed out of the house. He felt like he would fire anyone that would even speak to him if he went to work. He was beyond angry at Ophelia and Michelle. Mostly at Michelle. He understood that she was the eldest, but she had no right to say all those things to him. She married a man of lower social class than them, she married a commoner of all people. She married a bloody nobody than to carry to carry on the family name.

"How could you Marco?!" Michelle screamed into the phone, making Marco hold the phone far from his ear. "I know what you are up to, you are marrying an innocent woman and making her fall in love with you for the Donati Empire. You are playing her Marco!"

"She's hardly innocent." He commented, snorting. Ophelia wasn't exactly a nun. She spoke her mind and she had such anger.

"That's not the point, Marco! You are marrying for the wrong reasons! You are marrying just to take over our family legacy and saying you love her even though you don't! That is twisted even for the likes of you!" She screamed.

He rolled her eyes at his sister's dramatic comments. "Michelle, I am fixing the mess that you made, the least you can do is be grateful."

"Marco, when are you going to let that go?"

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