thirty-three: returned

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thirty-three: returned

gif of dante

not proof-read!

For most of the day, Dante was pretty depressed. Not once did he crack a joke or even smiled. I felt bad that I brought up the concept of dating to him. He wasn't suppose to feel the pain that he felt two-years ago, again.

We both decided to go back home since we had nothing better to do. Also Dante was too upset to show me around, which I completely understood.

Once we got home he headed straight to his room. I didn't try to cheer him up because he needed to be by himself.

Then the unexpected happen...

"Miss Kokinos! I am sorry! I don't know what happened! It just happened all so fast that I wasn't thinking at all!" Mrs Reid cried, she had guilt written all over her face.

I calmed her down. "What happened? What's wrong?" I ask. Was someone hurt?


Remember when I said the unexpected happened?

Finn was the unexpected.

I remember hearing the phrase 'Expect the unexpected.'

But, I did not expect Finn to be in Italy.

I thought sadness would overwhelm me and my love for him would make me go rushing to him, throwing my arms over him.

However, all I felt was anger.

Mrs Reid stood there awkwardly, but she had guilt all over her face. "Um, I will leave you two."

Oh God, please don't.

"I miss you." Finn said. Sorrow filled his eyes.

It's been only a few days since Finn said those words to me, but for some reason it felt like months since it had happened.

"I made a mistake, Ophelia. A huge mistake and I regret saying those hurtful words. I'm sorry, it was a mistake. Please, Ophelia. Forgive me." He begged as he stared at me with pleading eyes.

I raised my eyebrows. "A mistake? Do you mean it was a mistake blurting out those words? I know you and I know what you said held some truth to them."

Finn's eyes widened. "No, I don't mean them at all. My anger took over me. I was jealous that you spend more time with Marco then me. At the party when I saw you and Marco, I get so jealous and drowned myself in alcohol. I didn't know what I was doing. Then I saw Camilla, I don't remember much. But I knew that she used to be in a relationship with Marco. I slept with her without thinking. But I thought of you the whole time."

I shivered in disgust. He was thinking about me while he was in bed with another woman? I may not like Camilla, but it doesn't mean he could think about me whilst with another woman.

He was more twisted than I thought.

"Why?" I blurted out. "Why did you think of me the whole time?"

"I tried to tell before, but you stopped me. I will say it again. I love you, Ophelia. I love you so much."

My chest tightened. He loves me? "Since when?"

"When we were kids. I just remember seeing you and I promised you one day. But as we grew older I realised that I couldn't be in love with you because you were a Kokinos. Someone who was destined for someone even more successful. So I gave up, but I still loved you from a distance."

I became even more disgusted. He was in love with me, yet he slept with another. It didn't matter if he was drunk or not! He should have thought hard about his actions.

"Come back with me to Greece." He said out of the blue. "We can tell your father that we are in love and we can get married!"

I was once in love with Finn. But this man who was standing in front of me was not Finn. The Finn I kew was just someone in my mind. Kind, caring and prince-like. This Finn, is not who I once knew.

"I can't." I told him.

"Why?!" He asked. He looked utterly distraught.

"Because I think I am falling in love with someone else."

Finn stared at me in sadness. "Ophelia."

"I'm sorry, Finn. But I don't love you."


I told Finn to leave the house. Shockingly, he did without question. I thought he would put up a fight, but he didn't and I was grateful he didn't.

When Finn left, I went to my room and thought about what happened back then.

Finn was in love with me.

But yet he did those things. I don't think I can ever forgive him.

For some reason, I didn't feel miserable. I thought when you were in love with someone and when things don't work out, you felt sorrow. I didn't though.

Everything I said to Finn was true. I think I am falling in love someone else. Someone that I shouldn't. But sometimes you can't help it.

I chuckles as I remembered when I first met him and all I wanted to do was threw a brick at him.

Somehow Marco Donati made his way towards my heart.

"Miss Kokinos, Mr. Donati has came back from work and wish to see you in his office right away." Mrs. Reid told me.

Already? He's early.

I gave her a quick nod and got off my bed. I made my way towards Marco's office, which I have never been in before.

I didn't even know that he had an office in the house.

As I entered Marco's office, I saw Marco. He was wearing a white shirt that was tucked into his trousers and he matched it with a black blazer. His back was turned to me.

Even when I took a few strides towards him, his back was still turned to me.

"Marco? You wanted to see me?" I asked.

He was silent, not saying a word. His silence was terrifying me right now.

What is going on?

Marco turned and he had a blank look on his face. I didn't see any expression, only a blank one. I wondered if something at happened work.

He then threw three photos on the desk.

It was photos of Dante and I hugging from the park today. Who the hell took pictures?

"Explain." He ordered



hey guuuuys I know I left u guys hanging so here is another chapter!

Anywaaaay Finn came back! Le gasp! And he confessed his love for Ophelia but still what an asshole 😑 ophelia don't need ur ass anymore finny boy

also will our ship sink between ophelia and Marco? ugggh this girl has been through enough

My go-to song? meh only the sound of my heater. I'm writing this at 2:50am and I got no earphones with me....

see you in the next chapter!

have a lovely day or night!

nat xxx

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