forty-seven: goodbye

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forty-seven: goodbye

gif of ophelia

not proof-read!

Marco and I boarded his private plane. It was five in the morning and I was drained. Marco had to go back to Italy earlier because of his work. I was upset, but understood that his work was important to him.

"Go to sleep. You're tired." Marco whispered softly.

I nodded, and rested my head on Marco's shoulder. How can his shoulders be so comfy? It's like a pillow. So comfy...

Marco gently played with my hair. "Sleep well, treasure."

I closed my eyes and instantly fell asleep. It had to the most comfortable sleep I had since I arrived to Greece. 

I don't know how long I fell asleep for, but it felt like ages.

My eyes opened as I felt someone gently shaking me. "Treasure." I heard a soft whisper.

I flutter my eyes open. "What?" I asked groggily.

"We have arrived to Italy." He smiled.

Already? It feels like seconds since I fell asleep.

"You were so drooling over me." He smirked.

I scowled at Marco. "I was not."


"I missed you so much!" Rita screamed as she tightly hugged me, almost making me choke to death. I patted her back gently, hoping she would let go of me soon before I forgot how to breathe.

"I missed you too." I let out a chuckle.

Rita just so happened to be waiting in my house with cupcakes. She was grinning excitedly. Oh, how I missed Rita.

"Where's Michelle?" I asked, looking around for her.

Rita frowned. "Morning sickness. Reece practically forced her to stay at home. She says sorry that she couldn't make it."

I nodded understandingly. "I hear pregnancies can be a bitch."

Rita grinned brightly. "You would know soon." She teased.

My eye sprung wide in shock. "What do you mean?"

She tutted and rolled her eyes. "You had sex with Marco, didn't you?"

How the hell does she know? Is she like a mind-reader? I don't remember telling Rita about my sex life with Marco.

"W-What gives you that idea?" I asked nervously, bitting my lip harshly.

She raises her eyebrows, and points to my neck. "Your neck that is covered in love-bites."

I touched my neck. Crap, I must have forgotten to put makeup on my neck when we left Greece. "Uh..."

"How was it?" She asked, grinning like maniac. "On scale of one to ten how good was he?"

You would know...

"Why should I tell you this?" I questioned. She does not need to know about my own very personal deals, but if I did have to chose he would be a thousand.

So I broke the scale slightly...

"Because I am your best friend?" She tried. "I tell you all about my sex life!"

"Does it look like I want to know?"

Rita stared at me unsure. "Uh..."

I rolled my eyes. "Can we move on? Please?"

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