twenty: party

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nineteen: party

gif of ophelia

not proof-read

"You're right. Italy does have the best ice cream in the world." Finn grins happily as he takes another spoonful of ice cream.

I laugh. "I told you."

Finn rolls his eyes. "Of course, Ophelia Kokinos is always right."

After convincing Marco on the phone for a few minutes, I managed to take out Finn to show him around Italy. But obviously I couldn't actually show him around due to the fact that I still do not know my way around Italy. There are time that I am a little thankful to Marco because he told his driver to take us around.

"Italy is such a great. You should be lucky that you are living here." Finn says to me.

"But the only place you have so far is this ice cream cafe." I told him, narrowing my eyebrows.

"Exactly." He winks,

It's great to have Finn stay here for a couple of weeks. Despite how nice Dante is, I just need to talk to someone close to home. 

"Everyone misses you back home, my sister particularly misses your presence around. She is still moody that you had to leave Greece so quickly." Finn states, taking another scoop of his ice cream. 

I feel a small smile appear on my lips as Finn mentions his younger sister, Aileen. She is 21-years old and currently working as an actress, she is a dear friend of mine and she is almost like a younger sister that I never had. "Well, you can tell Aileen that I miss her too. Is she still working on TV show or has she finally moved?" 

I distinctively remember that Aileen was on some high-school drama TV show, the show was a huge success, which she had been acting in since she was about 16, however as the years grow I realised that Aileen was wasting her talents on that TV show I felt like she could have been on much more bigger film roles with A-list actors! I had offered her an audition to be on a couple film roles, but she has always denied the offer. 

"Well, I think Aileen took your advice and she had left the show a couple months ago. She is new working towards her new role on some historical film." Finn responds. 

I smile at the fact that Aileen is now taking much bigger roles. "I'm happy for her, I'm glad her career is finally start to take off." 

As we carried chatting for a while, the driver walks to the table. "Miss Kokinos, Mr. Donati has requested you and your friend to come back home."

I narrow my eyes at him sceptically. "Really? Why? We haven't even started to explore yet."

"Mr. Donati cousin's party is starting in seven hours and needs you to get ready." He answers. "And he wants Mr. Georgiou to attend is well."

"Me?" Finn pointed to himself with a unsure look on his face. "But I barely know Mr. Donati or his cousin."

"You know Miss Kokinos, correct? So that's fine enough for him." The driver says to Finn.

I sigh. I wasn't in the mood to attend a party for someone I don't know. "See, I would attend but I haven't got a dress for this party."

"Well, now that you mention it, your mother asked me to bring some clothes for you. One is a dress that one of her fashion designer friend's made." Finn tells me.

Just great. What perfect timing. Thanks mother.

"Okay, I got a dress. But I don't even know this cousin. Wouldn't it be...well awkward?" I point out with a smug look on my face.

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