eighteen: care

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eighteen: care

not proof-read

Eventually Ophelia fell asleep. Her eyes slowly shut as she starts to relax against the pillow. She has a calm expression which is way better than that scowl she always wears.

Marco smiles as he sees her snuggle into the pillow. He raises the blanket up to her, so it was covering her body.

He couldn't help to stare at her deeply when she was sleeping.

She looks so at peace; her long eyelashes are brushing against her soft cheeks, her lips are slightly apart and strands of her blonde hair are resting against her face.

'God damnit Marco, stop fucking staring at her. You're being creepy.' He thought to himself.

Quickly, he grabs the bowl and glass, placing it on the tray and quickly exits the room, making sure to shut the door lightly so he wouldn't disturb her sleep.

"I'll take that, Mr. Donati." Mrs Reid says as she notices him exit of Ophelia's room.

"Oh, thank you." He thanks her, giving her the tray.

"Are you returning to work, sir?" She asks, taking the tray.

He thinks for a while. He thought that he should go to work due to still needing to look over a few things and he was taking the care of his father's work as well as proving to his father that he could be take over. But then again, he feels like he can't leave Ophelia when she still has a fever.

"No, I'll just bring my work here." He answer after a while. "Can you bring the car around? I'll be at the office getting my work."

"Actually, sir. I can just bring your work for you. I will be heading to town anyways to bring some medicine for Miss Kokinos, I will be more than happy to bring your work for you."

He smiles gratefully at Mrs Reid. She has to been loyal to the Donati family for a long time. Marco knew since he was just a child and he practically considers her as his family.

"Thank you, Mrs Reid."

"Also, there is someone to see you. I have sent the guest to wait in the living room." She says.

He mentally sighs and wanting to send the guest away.

"Alright, I will be right there."


The least he was expecting was a black-haired, naturally tanned former lover of his to be waiting in his living room.

'Fuck, today was not the fucking day to be scolded by her.' He cursed in his mind.

Rita was indeed an ex-lover of his. But he knew her since university, she has seen his worst and he has definitely seen his worst. From drunken brawls to her body, he has seen every single thing from Rita.

He hasn't seen her quite some time. Marco mentally hoped that Rita's mouth has changed and that was not meant sexually, Rita is infamous for her crude comments and swearing like a sailor.

"Why are you here?" He asks, staring at Rita with a glaring gaze. He let his tone come off as a little angry.

"Don't you fucking talk to me like that you bastard." She hisses.

'She has not changed at all...'

"Nice to see you too." He retorts sarcastically.

She scoffs. "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit."

"But the highest form of intelligence." He couldn't help smirk a little at his comeback.

"Look, I am here because Dante told me everything." She hisses at him angrily. "You're making a huge mistake, Marco! You are using Ophelia just to get your father's companies!"

Is that why she is pissed? "It's really none of your damn business."

"You are a fucking asshole, Marco! You really have no soul."

'She just basically called me the Devil...' he commented in his head.

"Look I am fixing the mistakes that Dante and Michelle made!" He snaps angrily.

"It's not Michelle's fault that she fell in love! It's not Dante's fault that he wanted to have a normal life!"

But due to that Marco was now the one that had to carry on the family name.

Michelle did not take over because she fell in love. The old man was worried that she would be distracted from her duties, so he gave her a choice. The commoner or the Donati Empire that she worked so hard to prepare for. It was obvious who she chose. The commoner.

She then refused to take over because she wanted to focus on having a "normal life" with the commoner.

Next in line was Marco. But he rejected it. He rejected the position because he wanted to build his own company. He wanted to to be successful without the use of his famous last name.

He hoped that Dante would take over. He was going to take over but an accident occurred resulting in Dante not wanting the position anymore.

After all Lorenzo's children declined the position, he had no choice but to give it one of their cousins. Lorenzo's sisters eldest son. That would mean giving to someone else besides a Donati.

Marco didn't want that to happen because for years the Donati Empire has been passed down to a Donati and no other. Marco knew how important the Empire was to his father so therefore Marco gave up his dream to build a name for himself and be the CEO of Donati Empire.

"You're so heartless."

He glares daggers at Rita. "That doesn't mean I don't care about Ophelia! I care for her! I care for her so much! Fuck, I would even die for her!"

Shit, I did not just say that...

"Y-You what?! Oh my God! Y-You love her!" Rita exclaims excitedly, her angry expression is quickly gone. "You love her!"

Marco rolls his eyes. "I don't love her. I don't do love."

"Please, stop being a stubborn dick and say that you love her."

Love? Seriously? That's fucking crazy. Marco doesn't love her. He cares for her. But he doesn't love her.

"Please just go."

Rita giggles. "Okay, okay! I'll go."

'Thank God for that. I can't deal with her screeching for any longer.'

Just when she is about to leave, she turns to him "Oh and Marco?"

"Yes, Rita?" He asks with slight sarcasm.

"Camilla is coming back from Brazil in two days."

Wait what?

"Say that again." He demands. To say that Marco is freaking is an understatement. He refused to believe that she is coming even if she was he make sure Italy is put on lockdown.

"Camilla is coming back."

Well, fuck.


hmmm another mystery to be solved? Camilla? Who is that?

its 4:30am right now im tired but I wanted another chapter up to keep my everyday-posting-a-chapter thing going xD so sorry if it's a little shit near the end im just tired

ahhh i just stop writing on my phone it's getting annoying now....

see you in the next chapter!

have a lovely day or night!

nat xxx

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