thirty-five: realisation

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thirty-five: realisation

gif of michelle

not proof-read

~marco donati pov~

When Ophelia stormed out his office, it took him a few seconds to realise that he made a huge mistake. The worst fucking mistake that he have made and Marco remembered on having made some pretty bad mistakes in the past, but this one was definitely the worst of them all.

Well done, Marco, You fucking idiot.

He really fucked up this time. 

His legs strode to Ophelia's room. The door was shut and there was no sound coming from the other side. It was completely quiet.

He gently knocked on the door. "Treasure? Ophelia, can I come in?"

No sound, nothing. It was still silent.

"Ophelia, please open the door." He begged.

He messed up. But he was determined to make it up to her.

"Ophelia isn't in there." Dante said. His expression wasn't anything Marco has seen before. Dante has always been a person who usually has the happy-go-lucky expression. But not this time. It was dark and...Scary?

"Why not?" He asked, cocking his head. Where else could she be besides her room?

Marco was slightly afraid of the answer...

"I can tell you that she isn't in this house."

He froze in place. Dante noticed his sudden frozen movements, but carried on.

"She ran away to obviously get away from you. Brother, you really fucked up big time. Do you really think that low of her?!" This time Dante was shouting loudly, so loud that Marco almost jumped at the tone of his voice. "For the months that you have spent with her have you really not learnt anything about her?! You really are heartless dickhead!"

Hr had a pit in his stomach. It was all from the guilt. He was honestly the biggest bastard on the Universe. Heaven and Hell included. How could he be so stupid?

The guilt that he was feeling, he hasn't felt anything like this with anyone else.

He needed Ophelia; he needed his treasure; he need her by his side; he needed her when everyone would leave him. He just plain needed her.

But why though?

It's obvious. You love her.

He loved her.

I love Ophelia.

I fucking love her.

But he messed up.

Not if I get her back.


~ophelia kokinos pov~

"Babe! I'm home!" Michelle shouted cheerfully. I heard footsteps coming down. A man came down the stairs with a smile on his face. He had light blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.

"Hey, Princess." He smirked slightly. He turns to me. "Hello, your name is?"

I gave him a smile. "Ophelia Kokinos."

The man gaped. "Oh, you are the one that Michelle has been talking about. Nice to meet you."


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