thirty-one: dante

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thirty-one: dante

gif of marco

not proof-read!

~marco donati's pov~

Her lips were so soft, so supple, so...Perfect. There was no one on this damned Earth that Marco would rather kiss than Ophelia Kokinos. He was never really a big fan of apples, it wasn't that he hated them, but he just didn't like them than other fruits.

Well, now tasting them on Ophelia's lips has changed his mind.

He freaking loved apples now.

As cheesy and sappy as it sounded, he felt like the Angles from above were singing as she moved her lips against his.

He felt like a drunken man who finally became sober after so long.

There was seriously no one that he would rather kiss than her.

He pulled her body closer to his, never wanting to let her go. She was never going to leave him as long as he was alive.

Screw Finn, screw the companies, screw everything. He just wanted her, only her and he was an idiot for not realising it sooner.

Even if he lost everything, he wouldn't give two fucks because as long she was by his side, he wouldn't care.

'But what if you lose her?' He thought to himself. 

No, he will not lose her. Not ever. 

Ophelia's hands knotted in my hair, he grinned against her lips. Perfect, everything is just perfect.

He used his tongue to trace her the bottom of her lip, he wanted more of her. He wanted to taste her. Ophelia responded by opening her mouth, allowing him to slither his tongue into her mouth. Marco instantly groaned as he tasted her for the first time.

Fuck, isn't she just perfect?

Yep, I fucking love apples now.

He pulled away, gasping for breath. How could such a little thing be such a good kisser? It should be against the fucking law.

"You're not a bad kisser, treasure." He winked. My arms were wrapped around her delicate, little waist. She didn't seem to mind as her hands were still knotted in his hair.

Not that he minded either.

"I know," She comments cockily. "Kissing mirrors and teddy bears finally paid off."

He barked out a laugh. Another thing about her, she is able to make Marco laugh. No woman has ever made him laugh. "It did, I'm impressed."

"You should take some notes." She teased with a little cute grin plastered on her kissable lips.

He pulled her body closer to his, so their foreheads were against each others. "Why bother taking notes? We should do something more practical, don't you think?"

She rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to say something, but Marco quickly slammed his lips onto hers, silencing her.

She talked way too much.

She sighed against his lips, but none the less, kissed him back.

Things were finally going to get heated as she wrapped her toned legs around my waist. Thank God, she is smart to wear leggings and not a skirt instead.

That would have been an entire different story.

"Getting a bit saucy here." He heard Rita said with an amusing tone. "Like damn guys, you two should make your own porn."

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