twenty-nine: date

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twenty-nine: date

gif of michelle

not proof-read!

Somehow Michelle found out about the date that Marco had planned for us. I had no idea how she found out, but my money was on Dante. He knew everything, didn't he? He was smart. Smarter than I would have expected.

And now Michelle is getting me all dolled up for this surprise date. Marco told me to keep it as casual as possible because it wasn't exactly a extravagant dinner. This perked up my curiosity and I pleaded Marco to tell me about this date.

He wouldn't tell me. Not even a clue. All he told me was to dress casual.

I had to eventually kick Michelle out of my room because all she did was throw clothes at me, demanding me to try them on.

So she ended hanging around with Marco, much to her dismay, because Dante was out with friends and wouldn't be back until late.

Eventually, I ended up settling for black leggings, white tank top and a grey long cardigan. It wasn't formal, but it wasn't sloppy. I put my hair in a half up style and my makeup was on as a little bit of eyeliner and mascara.

I grabbed my bag which had all my necessary essentials and and ran down the stairs where Marco was waiting.

He was talking with Michelle and from the looks of it they must have made up.

"I love you, little brother!" Michelle tightly hugged Marco and he looked beyond uncomfortable.

"You are creasing the shirt!" He shouted. But I saw a slight smile on his lips. "And you are only two-years older than me."

"So? I am still older." Michelle argued.

I decided to step in to stop them from having another argument about God knows what. I entered the living room and as soon as I saw Marco, my mind was just going into overdrive.

Let me just clear a few things up, Marco always wore suits and he looked really good in those suits. But Marco wearing a long sleeved v-neck along with a leather jacket and jeans is just mind blowing. He looked not really good, but he looked like a model. There was honestly no words to describe what he looked liked.

"Bring her back by 11:45, okay?" Michelle teased Marco, who just scowled.

"Don't you have a husband to get back to?" He asked rhetorically. Michelle just laughed it off.

"I love you, Marco. But listen, if I hear that you made Ophelia upset in anyway I will make sure you won't see your future kids and you will feel the wrath of a pregnant lady. Do I make myself clear?" Michelle was...Scary. She was usually so light and happy. But seeing her like this scared the living daylights out of me.

"But I'm your brother." He said. "Do you want to see your nieces and nephews?"

My face started to turn red. Oh God, was he thinking about babies? At this point? We haven't even kissed, so I don't think baby-making is going to be on the agenda any time soon.

"There's always Dante." She grinned happily. "I am serious, Marco, hurt her and I will kill you, brother or not."

"What if she hurts me instead?"

Michelle just rolled her eyes. "Just go you two. Have fun."

I grabbed Marco's hand to drag him away.

"No, no. I would like to hear Michelle's answer. What if you hurt me instead?" He questioned.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I will hurt you soon if you don't start moving."


Marco eventually let go of everything and started to concentrate on the date itself, thank God. I couldn't stand another minute in the car with him questioning what would happen if I hurt him instead. I was very close to. Very close.

After, we arrived at our destination. I got out of the car along with Marco and gasps as I saw where he took me.

"A funfair?" I laughed. How did he know that I never been to a funfair? I mean I did tell him, sort of. But I never actually thought he would remember.

"You've never been, right? So it's an experience for both of us."

Marco grabbed my hand and we both explored the funfair. We talked and explored and talked some more.

Then it eventually ended up leading to his...

"Sorry to burst your little ego, treasure. But I am obviously the best at shooting. I had practise and training." Marco said.

I rolled my eyes whilst scoffing. "Oh please, I've watched enough films and seen my father do it."

"How about a bet?"

This strikes my interest. "Go on."

"Whoever can shoot the most win and the winner can choose the rides we go in."

I don't mean to sound pansy or anything, but those big rides seem like a death sentence and knowing it's a funfair, one of those could malfunction and we could die.

"Alright, as the Heiress to the Kokinos family, I accept your challenge." I grinned.

We both walked to the shooting gallery and paid. We both had our shot guns at the ready to shoot the wooden made animals.

This should be pretty easy...

"Three, two, one...GO!"


Somehow it ended as a draw and we played a second time. We both disappointed because we both obviously wanted to win. So we decided to go on rock, paper, scissors. And whoever won got to choose the ride that we wanted to go on.

And judging how we are both on the tea cup rides, it is obvious who won.

"I look stupid."

I kept on laughing on how Marco was too tall, so he stuck out like a sore thumb on the tea cup ride. 

"Now that's definitely something the tabloids can write about. Marco Donati, one of the most sought out men in Italy, on a tea cup ride." I just laughed at the thought.

"I'm so glad you find it amusing, treasure." He stated bitterly.

Being the nice person I was, I carried on making fun of him.

Then, it started pouring. The rain was heavy and instantly all our clothes were wet.

"Well...Some date this is." He chuckled.


well who was expecting a hot make-out scene in the rain? 

naaaah that would make it to easy for the couple to get together :p 

My go-to song for this chapter: Into You - Ariana Grande

I'm on a roooool with this chapters! xD

see you in the next chapter!

have a lovely day or night! 

nat xxx

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