twenty-five: his past

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twenty-five: his past

gif of some hunk and his sexy suit

not proof-read!

Goosebumps went up and down my spin as I felt the hot breathe against my neck. This man has a fetish of breathing down my neck.

"Now tell me, treasure. What are you doing here?" Marco asks. My back is pressed against his hard chest. I raise my eyebrows.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I query, not bothering to struggle out of his grasp because I know I will just get tired in doing so and my hangover still isn't gone. "What are you thinking leaving work so early?"

"Treasure, it's four in the afternoon."

My eyes widened in shock. Four in the afternoon? I thought it was nine in the morning! Or something in the morning, but not four in the damn afternoon.

Great most of my day wasted.

"Still, don't you finish work until like 10pm? You still left work early and you have slacked off work for almost the whole week. It isn't very good for you company. Isn't your father giving you full control of the Donati Empire after we get married? You can't just slack off. He give you it because he trusted you." I rant. I know it isn't my place, but he needs to know this if he ever wants to take over successfully.

I feel Marco's body stiffen against mine. I turn my body around, so I am facing him. "What?"

"Nothing." He answered too quickly which was a dead giveaway.

I narrow my eyebrows to him. "You are lying." I state.

"I don't think we should be talking about that at the moment. You avoided my question. Why are you here? Without Dante?" He questions. His firm jaw is clenched.

I can't exactly tell him that Finn threw up on his perfect marble floors and perfect fluffed cushions. He would definitely throw a fit and kick out Finn without even flinching.

"Finn is feeling sick and Dante is taking care of him, while I am buying some medicine." I show Marco the bag of medicine.

Ha. I win this one, Mr. Donati.

"Why couldn't Mrs. Reid do it instead?"

Damn. I didn't think about that. "She was...Doing stuff."

"Like what?"

I gulp nervously. "Cramps." I blurt out. "You know us woman get these things once a month things."

Marco looks uncomfortable as he stares at the floor. "Oh, alright..."

Lying isn't so bad if you know how to do it correctly.

"We should be getting back home."

I froze. What if Mrs. Reid was still cleaning? It doesn't take half an hour to clean piles and piles of sicks. It takes freaking ages!

"What are you doing here?" I ask, suddenly remembering that he is obviously here for a reason and he just completely dodged my question.

"Playing hide and seek." He smirks. I raise my eyebrows.

"Aren't you a bit too old to be playing hide and seek? You're like what? Forty?" I tease. He scowls at me.

"Twenty-eight actually." He corrects. I already knew that, but I just wanted to make of fun of his age. He isn't old at all, but he is older than me so therefore he is old. 

I feign shock. "And here I thought you were forty. You look way older, must be all that scowling."

I thoroughly enjoy making fun of him. One of my joys in life.

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