twelve: argument

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twelve: argument

gif of marco

not proof-read!

Yesterday went by in a blur. All I remember was that Dante told me about moving in and for the rest of that day my mind went on autopilot. The day just went by so rapidly and so many things happened that I almost ended up falling asleep in the bathtub. Thank God that Mrs Reid knocked on the door as she was concerned about me for being the bathtub for over two hours.

I didn't see Marco at all yesterday, not even at dinner. He had to stay behind at the office to help out his father, so I ended up eating dinner with Dante that night. He is not bad at all despite the fact that he is Marco's brother. Dante is nothing like Marco.

Dante doesn't have stick up his ass all the time like Marco.

My alarm blares at 7:15, I let out a loud groan of dismay as I turn over to the bedside table to turn off the alarm that was roaring in my ear like no tomorrow. Why do I even set an alarm anyway?

I am off the bed instantly and I walk over to the windows to open the curtains. The sun is already peeking through the curtain gap, showing off the perfect Italian weather. So far I haven't experienced any rain which means I am either lucky or the worst is about to come.

My feet take me to the bathroom which is connected to my room. The bathroom is just as beautiful as my room, it perfectly shows off how wealthy the Donati's are.

I turn on both the hot and cold water knob and water comes pouring down. As I was waiting for the water to reach its limit, I take off the long buttoned shirt and drop it the floor. I tie up my hair to a messy bun with a few stray hairs sneaking out.

Once there was enough water, I step into my hot bath. My muscles instantly relax as the water touches my skin. I think I slept weirdly.

I throw my head back, shutting my eyes and humming softly. This is heaven...

After half-an-hour passes, I unplug the bath plug and step out of the bathtub. I quickly dry myself as my stomach demanded food, especially pancakes. I dress myself in the white soft robe and go back to my room.

I get dressed into a blue dipped hem dress and put on simple strapped white heels. I tie my hair into a neat pony tail whilst putting on small diamond studs that Finn gave me for my birthday two-years ago.

"Good morning, Miss Kokinos. You are up early today." Mrs Reid comments, smiling in my direction as I enter the kitchen.

I gladly return the smile. "Good morning, Mrs Reid. I am used to setting my alarm to an early time that it's become a routine of mine."

She nods understandingly. "Yes, little things you do soon become a routine. It happens to me a lot. When I am on vacations with my family I have a tendency to wake up at six in the morning to sort out breakfast for Marco even though I don't have to! My family says it's a bad habit of mine."

I almost scowl at hearing his name. Of course, he had to ruin my morning among other things.

"Well, it happens to the best of us. Also how did Dante settle in yesterday?"

"He is fine. The boy had no problem settling in here, he is been in this house so much it is like his actual home." She tells me with a laughter, she hands me a cup of coffee which I gladly accept.

Isn't it a Thursday today? Shouldn't Dante be at University right now? Or at least work to go to?

"Doesn't he have school today? He is about nineteen correct?" I ask Mrs Reid as I carefully drink my coffee.

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