thirty-eight: beautiful

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thirty-eight: beautiful

gif of ophelia

not proof-read

I could't concentrate. Not even with simple things, like cutting fruit but I cut my finger instead. My mind has been tangled in a web and I just can't get myself out of this web. This is the result of Marco Donati.

He should come with a warning label or maybe he did and I just couldn't be bothered to read the label.

"I'm a bastard. A fucking bastard. I don't deserve you at all. But yet I can't seem to let you go. I love you. Even though you don't love me back, I love you. And I will love you until my last dying breathe."

Don't you freaking dare, brain. Don't you dare.

I kept getting flashes of what happened two days ago. Not like a whole entire flashback, just fragments of it and it's slowly tearing me to pieces.

Even though it's been two-days, it feels like it's been 20-years.

When the hell did I start acting like some sappy love-struck teenage girl?

What happened the Greek Heiress? What happened to Ophelia Kokinos? The girl who wasn't afraid to speak her mind and didn't take any sass from anybody.

This is all your fault, Marco. I blame you.

"I bought Chinese food!" Michelle grinned, holding a bag of Chinese food.

"And I bought wine!" Rita held up two bottles of wine. "And the best champagne!"

Michelle and Rita always seem to pick me up when I fall down.

I wanted a fresh start, not like changing myself completely like surgery. Like a hair cut or changing my hair colour.

I was getting quite tired of my hair length and it was a plan to change it.

Well, this it then...


"Wait, am I suppose to cut this with the scissors?" Rita asked as she stares at the scissors in her hands.

Michelle turned to Rita with an 'are you serious' face. "Yes, Rita that's how hair cuts work." She retorted sarcastically.

Rita ignored Michelle's sarcastic comment and faces me. "Are you sure, Fee? Your hair is perfect just the it is." Fee? That's...Different.

"It will grow back, it's fine. It's just a haircut."

The idea just popped in my head last night. I haven't had a haircut for years now and I think it was time to cut it.

"Ready?" Michelle asked with a grin.

I returned a grin. Am I ready to start fresh?

"Hell yes."


"Hot damn." Rita teased as she stared at shorter locks. I smiled as I gently caressed my shorter blonde locks, which went from my beneath by breasts

What if it looks terrible?

I open my eyes and stare at my reflection in the mirror. I breathe out a laugh as I stare myself. I played with the strands with my hair, smiling at my reflection.

Surprisingly, I like it. I love it.

"How about we celebrate?" Michelle asked Rita and I with a grin, flashing her pearly white teeth. I stared at her in amusement.

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